The Bodyguard

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As I'm waking up with the sun shinning on my face I turn to Kenny side to find no Ken but a note that read

Good Morning Beautiful I had to go to work for a session I will be back soon as I can, there is security outside if you see some men in black walking around,see you soon


Toni smiles at the note  and goes to the bathroom to shower as she is getting dressed the door bell ring

Who could this be? My sisters are not due to come for 2weeks.

Toni opens the door

Toni see a guy with luggage in his hands

Toni: Hi may I help you with something?

Keri: Hi my name is Keri Lewis I'm your bodyguard ( shaking Tonis hand)

Toni: You're my what? I told Kenny I didn't need a bodyguard but he's just looking out for us( rubbing her stomach)

Keri: Nothing but the best for his fiancé ( staring into her eyes, still holding Toni hand)

Toni: So what are the bags for?

Keri: He ask me to stay here in the guest house so someone will be here 24/7

Toni: Oh ok well let me show you everything and show you to the guest house.

Keri: Thank you your house is beautiful

Walking around

Toni: Thank you,Kenny let me design everything.

Keri: It's perfect (smiling at Toni)

Toni:Well here we are at the guest house make yourself comfortable and if you need anything let me know I will be in the kitchen.

Keri: Ok thank you I will let you know

Toni walks back into the house to the kitchen,to make herself a banana split

Keri: so how far along are you? ( causing Toni to jump) I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you

Toni: it's ok, I'm 6 months

Keri: Do you know what you are having?

Toni: We are having a girl We are excited

Keri: I'm sure she's going to be beautiful just like her mother(causing Toni to blush)

Toni : So tell me about yourself

Keri: Well I've been in the industry for 6yrs I was born and raised in Minnesota No kids , I like going to the beach, I love pizza, I listen to a lot of R&B Jazz music and I'm mostly laid back guy and I enjoy cooking.

Toni: Are you married?

Keri: No not at the moment, haven't found the right one. 

Toni:Well I'm glad that you are here and hopefully things won't get too crazy around here lol

While they were talking Babyface walked in on them talking.

Babyface: I'm sure it will once the baby get here ( comes up behind Toni wrapping his arms around her waist)

Toni: Hey baby

Babyface: Hey,so what are you guys talking about?

Toni:Just getting to know Keri making him feel welcome.

Babyface: Oh ok cool, Well I was about to ask Toni what she wanted for dinner

Keri: Oh don't go out let me cook you guys dinner, that's the least I can do

Toni:I have been craving Pizza so bad I just want some Pizza Hut

Keri: Pizza Hut? I can cook better than Pizza Hut

Babyface:Oh if you can please Toni I will give you a extra $1,000

Keri: I'm sure she will love it plus I will make a special desert as well and you don't have to pay me extra I aim to please.

Babyface and Keri go to the store to buy everything he needs for the guest house and dinner.

When they get back the house is silent

Babyface: Toni!( yelling)

He goes up stairs to find Toni sleeping with headphones on her stomach he takes a picture on his phone.


She's so cute right now I wondering what she dreaming about. Keri seems cool I'm glad he's here to protect Toni and the baby

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