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Our single is doing great the fans are excited for us we have been wanting to do this album for a while and we decided it was time to give our fans what they have been asking for, I flew with Toni to Maryland to support her and her family at this time.


We arrived in Maryland the paps were everywhere taking pics of us someone must have called them, not answering any of their questions except one "Toni when are you and Babyface going on tour?" Summer I said waving to everyone and getting into the car.

On the way there I could only imagine what was wrong with my dad, everything was going through my head until I walked in the house and saw the looks on my siblings face.

Toni:Hey guys what's going on

Tamar:Chile,I wish I could tell you

Trina: Mom asked us to wait out here she has something to tell us

Ms E comes from her bedroom into the living room.

Each of the girls and Mickey hug her

Ms E.: Well this is not easy for me to say this but your father and I are going to get a divorce.

Toni: what? Mommy no!

Ms E: Yes, That bastard cheated on me for 10 years!, 10! After everything that I Sacrificed for him he does this to me!

Everyone is in shock to hear what has happened, she starts breaking things in the house including her wedding photo she takes and puts it in the fire place.

Ms E: I want him to pay for what he has done to me and this family! He's hiding in the bedroom and won't come out, if he does I'm going to slice his dick in half!

Tamar: The Devil is lurking In this house!

Ms.E starts throwing knives at the bedroom door.

Traci: let's help momma gather her things and find somewhere to stay

Ms E.: Yes get me out of here cause if I stay it's going to be one sad day his funeral and my trial cause I'm going to kill somebody today!

Toni and the sisters and Mickey help get things cleaned up and gather some of her things so she can leave. They take her to the hotel Babyface and Toni  are staying

Babyface is back at the hotel when Toni walks in.

Babyface sees that Toni has been crying he doesn't ask any questions he just holds he's until she falls asleep. "We can talk about it whenever you are ready" Babyface says kissing Toni on the cheek.
Thanks you cause I can't deal with it right now I just want to be held right now,Toni says Toni falls asleep in Babyface arms.

The Next morning


As I wake up I look over at Toni she still sleeping  but her pillow is soaked with her tears she slowly wakes up as I start to kiss her neck to wake her up.

Good Morning baby, Toni says Good Morning beautiful,Babyface says Last night I wanted to talk to you but I was still in shock to what happen at my parents house,Toni says Ken my dad cheated on my mom, they are getting a divorce Toni says holding Babyface hand. He what? Babyface asked Yea he's been doing it for 10years and my mother didn't know,Toni says looking into his eyes. Wow that's a long time,Babyface says If he did want to be with her why didn't he divorce her first  then be with the other woman?, Babyface asked I don't know Ken I don't know, Toni says, My mom is here at the hotel she couldn't stand to be in the house anymore, Toni says

Well she can move into your condo in Atlanta and We stay at my house, how does that sound?Babyface asked Toni that sounds great! Baby I love you, you always know how to make things better.(kissing him) Toni says . I'm going to go tell her the great news I will be back Mr Edmonds, Toni says walking out the door Ok Mrs Edmonds I will have a surprise when you get back, Babyface says

Toni goes to the 3rd floor to tell Ms E. The good news and talk to the siblings.
Toni returns to her room when she opens the door Babyface has breakfast waiting for her with flowers everywhere from the flower shop downstairs. Babyface left a note while he was in the gym downstairs it

To my future wife I hope this cheers you up and make your day go smoother

Love, Ken

Toni smiles as she eats her breakfast .

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