Chapter 13 - Rewind

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

It's been about a week since Alicia and I had the argument and we recently made up. By 'made up' I mean she showed up at the frat house and acted as if nothing was wrong. I figured playing along was easier than fighting.

We're currently laying on my bed, she's painting her nails while I'm trying to talk to her about not bringing up Ryder raping Skye again.

"It's not fair to Skye. Have you thought about how she feels when you go around telling people these things? It's not anybody else's business what happened. She and I have mutual friends, so the two of you are going to have to try to be civil and that means not bringing up the-"

"What do you think, Times Square Tangerine or Blue Lagoon?" She interrupted, prompting me to roll my eyes.

"Are you even listening to me?!"

"Blue Lagoon would go with your eyes, but Times Square Tangerine looks better with my tan"

"I'll take that as a no" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes again.

"I think I'll do Blue Lagoon on my fingernails and Times Square Tangerine on my toenails. Do you think it matters if my fingernails and toenails don't match?"

"Does it matter what I think? You always do whatever you want anyways"

"What is your problem?" She asked.

"You're not listening to a damn word I'm saying!"

"I should have just gone to the nail salon instead. I figured you'd want to spend the day with me, but I guess I was wrong" she said, gathering her things.

"You're always around, but you never listen to a word I say! You don't even need me to be here! All you care about is yourself! I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you keep talking about your fucking nails!"

"I'm going to get my nails done"

"See? That's my point exactly! I'm trying to talk to you and you only care about your nails! You don't hear anything I'm saying"

"That's because all I hear is Skye. Skye this, Skye that"

"Because I want you to think about someone else for once" I argued.

"You're probably still in love with her" she retorted sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"At least she listens to me"

"I listen to you!"

"Yeah, if I'm telling you what you want to hear, usually if I'm talking about you!"

"If Skye is so great, then how come you cheated on her with me? How come you stayed with me instead of trying to win her back?"

"I'm wondering the same thing" I said, storming out.


Freddie Tommo is so cute!!!!

💋 -TVo

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