Chapter 33 - Perfect

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*Skye's P.O.V.*

I started to wake up when I felt Niall stirring beside me.

"What the hell are you guys doing in here?" I heard him say. His voice was deep and raspy from sleep. I opened my eyes to see he was talking to Louis, Monique, Vic and Liam.

I pulled Niall's comforter over my head before burying my face in his chest.

"Whoa! Keep this PG please!" Louis joked.

"She's just hiding her face in my chest. What are you guys doing in here?"

"We're going to go to IHOP and we wanted to know if you guys wanted to join us" Liam answered.

"Did you guys have sex?" Louis asked bluntly, making me blush.

"Louis!" Everyone replied.

"What? I need to know if I have to move my bed back to the center of my room"

"Oh my god, Louis" Niall groaned.

"Did you guys have sex or not?"

"Yes, Louis!"

"Did you use protection?" Liam asked.

"Oh my god! Do you guys want to know every fucking detail?"

"Yes, but I'll just get the details from Skye later" Monique said.

"No, you won't" I replied, my head still buried in Niall's chest even though his chest hair was tickling my nose.

Niall kissed the top of my head, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm gonna go move my bed" Louis said, leaving the room.

"So..... Are you guys going to IHOP or not?" Liam asked.

"Nah" Niall replied.

"Okay, we'll see you guys later"

They left the room, closing the door behind them.

"They're gone" Niall told me. I pulled the comforter off my head, making sure it still covered my boobs. I laid my head sideways on his chest so we could still cuddle. "You alright?"

"Mhmm" I nodded.

"Good" he replied, kissing my forehead.

I looked at his arm, remembering when he got a tattoo last year. I never found out what it was.

I grabbed his arm looking at the part that was wrapped in cling wrap.

"What're you doing?"

"Looking at your tattoo"

"Which one?"

"The one you got last year when you ran off to New York after we got in an argument. I never figured out what you got" I told him.

"It's that one" he says pointing to a tattoo of a sugar skull on his arm.

"A sugar skull?"


"Like my Halloween costume?"

"Mhmm" he replied. I looked up at him before I rolled so I was on top of him. I scooted up so I was eye level with him before leaning in and kissing him.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked when he pulled away.

"You just did" I giggled.

"I meant something else"

"Of course"

"Do you remember when my brother Greg got engaged to Denise?" I nodded. "Their wedding is during Spring Break and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me"

"Only if you won't be pissed off at me like you were at your mom's wedding"

"I promise" he chuckled, remembering our stupid argument.

"I'm gonna need a dress"

"We can go shopping after we eat breakfast" he suggested.

"Okay, let's get dressed" I said, starting to get up. He gently pulled me back into his arms before rolling on top of me.

"How about round 2 first?" He suggested.

"Sounds great"


"What color dress should I get?" I asked Niall as we walked through the mall. Well, Niall walked, I stumbled.

"We're wearing grey suits with a pink and white striped tie" Niall replied.

"So... Pink?"

"I guess"

I started looking at some pink dresses and Niall pulled one off the rack that was more suitable for a club than a wedding.

"You'd look good in this one" he said.

"I'm not wearing that"

"Why not?" He pouted.

"It's too short! I don't want to look like a skank. Your mom will be there!"

"You don't have to wear it to the wedding" he replied in a suggestive tone.

"You're such a perv"

I grabbed a couple of appropriate dresses before we made our way to the dressing rooms.

"Wait out here" I told Niall.

"That's no fun" he whined. I chuckled, entering the dressing room and changing into the first dress.

"What do you think?" I asked opening the door.

"You look beautiful" he replied.

I did the same with the next two dresses getting the same reaction every time.

"Niall! You can't just say I look beautiful in every dress! You have to help me decide"

"It's not my fault you look hot in everything!"

"Which one's your favorite?" I asked him.

"The second one. It's not too revealing, but I can still your boobs"

"Cleavage" I corrected when two women shot him a dirty look.

"Doesn't matter what you call it, I still like to see it" he replied, making me laugh. I love when he's in a playful mood.

"The second one it is" I said, putting the other two dresses on the rack. Niall was right, the second dress was the best. The first dress was too revealing and the third one made me feel like a nun.

I paid for the dress before we wandered around the mall holding hands. After a while, Niall broke the silence.

"Where do you wanna go next?"


I'm sorry I didn't go into detail about Niall and Skye having sex (if you're into smut). TBH, I'm not really comfortable writing about sex. Maybe in a different story...

💋 -TVo

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