Chapter 34 - If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn

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*Skye's P.O.V.*

"Where did you go today?" Monique asked when I entered the dorm.

"Niall and I went to the mall"

"Fun! Are you spending the night over at his?"

"Not tonight. I have to pack"


"Yeah, he invited me to go to Greg's wedding with him. That's why we went to the mall, so I could get a dress" I explained.

"When's the wedding?"

"Sometime next week" I said, starting to pack.

"Oh, so is Niall packing?"

"Yeah, he can't just go on a trip without bringing anything" I said in a 'duh' tone.

"That's not what I meant"

I blushed when I figured out what she meant. "I see what you did there"

"I told you I'd get the details later"

"You did"

"So? Is he?"

"Yeah" I blushed.

"Is he good?"

"He's phenomenal, or should I say phenomeNiall?"

"You shouldn't" she said before continuing her questionnaire. "Did you use protection?"

"Of course!"

"Was last night the first time the two of you have had sex?"


"You didn't get any Ryder flashbacks, did you?"


"Good, I was worried about that" she said. Feeling uncomfortable talking about sex, I changed the subject before she could ask more questions.

"Do you remember when Niall and I got in that fight last year and he ran off to New York and ended up getting another tattoo?"


"He got a tattoo of a sugar skull"

"So?" She asked confused.

"Do you remember the Halloween party Niall and I went to last year where we kissed for the first time?"


"I was dressed as a sugar skull" I told her.

"Are you serious?"


"Oh my god! That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard!"


It's been a few days since Niall invited me to Greg's wedding. We just got off of the plane and Niall was driving us to a hotel.

"Why are we staying at a hotel instead of staying at your dad's?" I asked him.

"If we stay at hotel we'll have more privacy than we will at my dad's. You'd have to stay in the guest room and we'd have to hang out in the living room all the time. He has a rule that I can't have girls in my room"

"I know what you mean. My mom has the same rule"

"I can understand why your mom would have that rule" he told me.

"She had that rule before everything happened"

"Yeah, but your mom didn't want you to be a teen mom. I wouldn't want my children to be teen parents"

"That's true, but that never stopped you from hanging out in my room" I said as he pulled into the hotel parking lot.

"I never got you in trouble, did I?"



The hotel was the nicest one in town. One night probably costs more than a month's rent at my mom's apartment.

"Do you wanna split the bill?" I asked him. He hasn't let me pay for anything.

"No, I got it"

"You never let me pay for anything"

"'Cause I like spoiling you" he replied, kissing my forehead.

We entered the lobby and Niall paid before checking in and getting the key and getting on the elevator.

"I hate elevators, they make me claustrophobic" he said.

"At least it's just the two of us instead of a large group of people"

"Yeah, that's true" he replied. I could see he was uncomfortable so I rubbed his back to comfort him.

When the elevator doors opened, we walked out, pulling our suitcases behind us.

Once we found our room, Niall unlocked the door and I brought in my suitcase before collapsing on the bed.

Chuckling, Niall entered the room putting his suitcase beside mine before grabbing the Domino's pamphlet from the desk.

"I feel like I'm laying on a cloud" I told him. He laughed in response.

"What kind of pizza do you want?" He asked.

"The kind I pay for" I replied, feeling bad that he wouldn't let me pay for anything.

"Sorry Love, that's not on the menu"

"Let me buy the pizza"

"Not happening" he replied, looking at the menu.



"Why not?"

"Just pick a pizza" he replied, handing me the menu.

"That one looks good" I said, pointing at one.

"Alright, I'll order it" he said, dialing the number on his phone.

"Alright, I'll pay for it"

"No, you won't" he replied before ordering.


Niall is so fucking sexy, I must find him.😍😛

💋 -TVo

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