Meeting the Voice

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You opened the gates that led you outside the RUINS. A snowy path that stretched across the snow-covered forest. Both you and Flowey were shivering from the cold. You stepped onto the path and hear the gates lock behind you. You get out a jacket and wrap it around Flowey to keep him from shivering.

"Aren't you going to get cold Y/N? I don't want you to freeze to death."

"Don't worry Flowey."

You searched around your bag until you found your red scarf. You wrap it around your neck to keep you a little warm. The scarf trailed all the way down to your waist.

"See? I have a scarf I can wear."

Flowey looks concerned. "I don't think it will shield you enough from this cold."

You gave Flowey a reassuring look.

"It's going to be fine. I'm sure there's a town around here close by."

Right then, you hear a whirring sound. It's coming from that tree. You move some of it's branches to the side and see a camera.

"Am I being watched?" you thought.

You brush it off and make your way down the snow-covered path. About halfway down the path you see a stick in the middle of where you were walking. You stepped over it and make your way down. You've only taken a few steps before you hear a *crack*.
You spin around and see a shadowed blur dash into the forest. It had stepped on the branch.

"Please don't let it be a monster that'll kill me."

You make your way down the path and see a bridge. There are bars that looked like it was to keep someone out, but it was wide enough for you to fit through.

Just as you were about to step onto the bridge, a voice behind you startled you and you froze in your spot.

"Hey kid. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."

You slowly turn around, your heart beating rapidly. All you see was a shadowed figure reaching their hand out for a handshake. The figure looked to be a few inches taller than you were.

You reached out and shook it's hand. Your hand buzzed. Out of surprise, you pull your hand back. The shadowed figure slowly came into view. It was a skeleton?

The skeleton chuckled at your reaction.

"The ol'e joy buzzer prank never gets old. The name's Sans. What's yours?"

Regaining your senses from the shock, you tell him your name.

"I'm Y/N."

*San's P.O.V*

It's that human Tori was talk'in about. So, she failed to kill this human? I can't kill her just yet. I'll just let Papyrus finish her off.

*Y/N's P.O.V*

He seems to be thinking about something before snapping out of his thoughts.

"Listen kid. I'm supposed to be keeping watch for humans right now, but I don't feel like it.My brother, Papyrus, is a human hunting FANATIC. He's right across this bridge. Just walk through it. My brother made the bars to wide to stop anyone."

You looked at him as if he was crazy.

"If your brother is a human-hunting fanatic, shouldn't I be avoiding him?"

*You both crossed the bridge*

He turns towards you. "Hide behind that conveniently-shaped lamp."

"Why should I hide behind that lamp?"

He slowly smiles and says,"If you want to get caught by my brother, be my guest"

Not wanting to get caught by his brother you hide behind the lamp.

*The lamp was conveniently shaped like you.*

You hear a pair of footsteps and yelling.


Corrupted Timeline: UF!Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now