Undyne the Undying

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Welp. I've sinned.....

I have an appointment with Satan so-

Satan: So, you must be the sinner I presume~

Me: *softly crying and waves at you readers* Bye

Satan: *Drags me down to the underworld*

P.S readers, this is your last warning. If you get a heart attack, nosebleed, etc. You MUST leave. Especially the innocent-minded ones.




Before you can even finish, Sans used some of his magic to pin your wrists above your head. You squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head away from him shaking.

"Y-you're scaring me Sans."

He grabs your chin and turns your head to him, but you still kept your eyes and mouth shut.

"Hey Y/n, open your eyes."


"Fine. You brought this on yourself sweetheart."

What does he mean by THAT exactly?! You can feel him straddling your waist which causes you to blush.

"W-what do you think y-you're doi- *gasp*!!!!"

You can feel something slimy across your neck. Your eyes open and widen. Did he just lick your neck?! He smirks and takes this opportunity to kiss you.


His tongue swirled around your mouth until his tongue rubbed the most sensitive part of the roof of your mouth (idk, I heard other people say that it was sensitive).

"Mmmm~", he puts both of his arms around your for a small hug.

Of all things, did it have to be a french kiss? He breaks the kiss and you both breath out for air. He smirks down at you and say:

"See? That wasn't so bad was it?"

The magic wears off and your wrists are free. You pant out for air and start to hug him back. You can't help but think that the neck licking wasn't part of "sanitizing you". You decided to give him some payback. You move his t-shirt a little bit to the side before biting down on his "neck".

" Kid? What're yo- aaahhh~"

You smile victoriously to yourself. Bulls-eye!!! That was until he looked down at you with a scary look on his face. You can feel a chill run down your spine. You weren't going to get away that easily huh.

" I guess I have to teach you some "lessons" don't I ~?"


"Sorry ain't gonna cut it kid."

He leans down to your neck and bites softly.

"H-hey! You said kissing only! Nothing else~"

"Not after biting my neck you won't"

"Hey! No biting!"

                                                                                      *Time skip*

You were a blushing mess. You had to use your scarf again. He made a freaking bruise on your neck. A bruise! You walked down the path until you find Flowey there waiting for you. He looked up at you and asks you:

" I tried to find you again after a couple of minutes, but you and Sans were both gone. Did he take you somewhere?"

You blush again and try to cover it with your scarf.

"Oh. He left and I ended up wandering around the place."

"Oh... Well, lets go. This should lead us straight down the path without any disturbances. You both walk down the path and see a strange glowing blue flower.

"Hey Flowey, what is that glowing red flower?"

"Oh, that's an echo flower. It tells you very negative things. I wouldn't listen to them if I were you."

You both continue your way down until you hear heavy metal footsteps coming your way. A soldier in a large heavy armor appeared before you and started to throw spears at you. You threw Flowey somewhere safe across the path and tell him to get to safety. Flowey refused to leave you until a spear was hit near him.

"Go Flowey! Now! I'll catch up to you!"

Flowey hesitates for a while before forcing himself to leave you to fend for yourself. You turn towards the soldier. It walked up a few feet away from you before stopping.

"Well look what we have here. A measly little human. Your soul will be MINE!!!!

"W-who are you?"

The salute seems to look amused and glares daggers down at you.

"I'm Undyne the Undying. Head of the Royal guards and I have come here to KILL YOU."

Corrupted Timeline: UF!Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now