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You find yourself in a containment with your arms and legs chained to the bottom. There was one tube connected to the container, but you couldn't quite reach it. You turn around and see someone at the door. It was a shadowed figure with white glowing eyes. It was smiling sadistically before pulling down a lever. You can hear rushing water from the tube connected to your containment. It was slowly filling up the containment you were in. You tug onto your chains and called for help, but no one came. The figure was laughing at you, it's white eyes glowing. The water was up to your neck and soon swallowed you up. Your lungs were begging for oxygen and your vision grew darker.
                                                                                    *Dream ends*

You jolt awake and put your hands to your chest. Your heart was beating rapidly and you can finally breathe. It felt so real. You have never been more scared in your life. You look over to see Sans still asleep. You get up quietly, so as not to wake him and head downstairs. You grab your scarf and jacket from the hangers. You open the door quietly and closed it behind you. You needed to walk off. The cold wind hits your face and it felt so refreshing. This was exactly what you needed.

You walk further down the snowy path and go a bit further into a forest. The trees were covered in snow and their branches had ice crystals hanging from the tip. It looked so pretty when light shined against it. You find a clearing and fall backwards. You make a little snow angel and made some snowmans. You lean down to grab a branch for the snowman's arm, but hear a branch snap in the distance. You look around to see who had made that noise, but couldn't find anyone.

Must be a small animal. You turn around again and begin to build your snowman again. The footsteps become louder and when you turn to look, they stop. This was just getting creepy. You decided that it was time to head home and started walking back down the path. You pick up your pace and the footsteps start running. You ran as fast as you could down the path, adrenaline running through your veins. Just a few more steps to go. Then a figure jumps in front of you, blocking your way. It was that cubic robot again.

"I'm terribly sorry darling, but I was given orders to bring you back to my creator."

"W-who is your creator?"

"Someone you'll know in just a few minutes."

The robot throws some kind of sparkling powdery substance in your face. You cough and try to get the rest of the dust off of you. Your vision starts to turn hazy and you fell on your side towards the ground.

"My creator will be so proud of me! I am their best creation after all."

*San's P.O.V*
I woke up from my sleep and get up. Y/n wasn't here anymore. She must've gone downstairs. I get up from the bed and head downstairs. I look around for Y/n, but she wasn't down here. I noticed her scarf and jacket missing from the hangers. Did she go outside? I open the door and see footprints leading down the path. I pull on my coat and followed the tracks. It led me into a forest with ice covered trees. She must've been here. I see it lead me to some snowmans and snow angels she made from the snow. I can see two different footprints now. It looked like she was running away. The 2nd set of footprints was just one straight line. There can only be one monster that had those kind of tracks. Mettaton.

God D*mnit!!! He took her away before I could get to her. F*CK!!! I have to find her. If Alphys hurts her in any way I won't hesitate to destroy her f*cking lab AND that stupid robot of hers!!!

Corrupted Timeline: UF!Sans X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ