Nightmare or Memory?

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You slip into your sleep and fall into darkness. It was different this time. You felt water around you. Some cords were attached to your body. The water made your eyes blurry so you couldn't make out much of it. You can also hear a melody play(song above: Forbidden Lullaby).

"W-where am I?"

It was that dark figure again. It looked like he was holding a clipboard, marking down something. Then, two other figures appeared next to the dark figure.

"M-mom? D-dad?" you thought.

Dad: This child doesn't deserve to be used as an experiment! She hasn't done anything wrong!

Mom: Please. Don't inject it in her. She hasn't done anything to deserve this. Stop tormenting her!

???: She's the only child left that hasn't failed me yet. She will become my most successful experiment!

The scene changes where you see an arm being injected with something electric blue. The melody disappears and in it's place, was an awful, painful scream.

"Wake up Y/N! It's just a dream. It's not real. Stop it. Don't do it. Don't scream. Don't cry. Just please let it end. STOP THIS NIGHTMARE!!!

*San's P.O.V*

I woke up in the middle of the night again. I had those nightmares again. Where Papyrus was killed in front of me. He tried to help me and was killed for it. I groan and slowly get out of bed. Maybe if I walk around a little I can take my mind off of things. I opened my door only to hear that human mumbling something. I went downstairs and there she was. She was holding her head saying things like "stop it" and "leave me alone".

I walk over to her and kneel next to her. It's getting worse. Her tears are already spilling and she's speaking louder now. I try to shake her awake.

"Hey kid. It's just a bad nightmare. Wake up!"

She won't stop crying and then she screamed:


I yelled at her name this time.


*Y/N's P.O.V*

My head felt like it was going to burst from the child's scream. I hear a faint voice that sounds so familiar. It was calling out my name. It grew louder and louder.


I woke up from my nightmare and see Sans hovering over me shaking me awake. I can feel my tears sliding down my face. Another nightmare. Sans, who was still above me, asked me:

"You alright kid?"

I was shaking tremendously and my mouth was quivering. I have never felt so scared in my life. This nightmare was the worst.

*San's P.O.V*

She looks so f*cking cute in my shirt. I won't be able to kill her like this.

"Agh, fuck this!"

She looks at me with her adorable (e/c) eyes. Why does she have to be so god d*mn cute?! I pulled her in for a hug. She stiffened before relaxing into my arms and buried her face into my shoulder holding onto my shirt. What the f*ck is wrong with me? I felt like I should keep her in my arms forever. Never letting her go. Ever.

*Papyrus P.O.V*


Y/N was there in the kitchen with her hair tied (whichever hair style you want). She was cooking something that had a nice aroma to it. She's also wearing my apron that I usually wear when I cook. She turns around and sees me.

Corrupted Timeline: UF!Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now