Judgement Hall

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You continue your way down the path. There was this feeling that was telling you to keep moving. You didn't want to go back just yet. It was like there was something that had to be done first. Alphys looks towards your way.

"Hey Y/n, aren't you going back to Snowdin?"

You didn't answer her back...... You were too focused on the path you were taking and left them there. You soon take an elevator that led you down to what looked like a small city. Everything was gray and dull- looking. You still continue going down the path until you reached a place you've never seen before. Everything in here was in a gold color and there were windows with symbols on it. You can see columns that were also in a golden color. This place is amazing! Whoever built this, must be very skilled in his/her work. You walk down its long halls until you see a dark figure standing before you.

"Hey there kid."

That voice. The tone they're using.


The figure steps out of the shadows. It's Sans.

"So, you've made it to the judgement halls....."

"Sans, I have to keep moving on. I want to save everybody from this place. Don't you want to see it too?"

"Sorry Y/n, but I can't let you pass. If you see Asgore...... he'll take your soul..."

"I........I know.."

"Then why the f*ck are you here?! You don't even know what he's capable of!"

"I'm willing to take my chances. Now let me pass."

"........... Don't make me do this Y/n."

You start walking towards Sans. You've gone this far and you weren't going to give up. Not now.

"Y/n, stop."

You wouldn't listen and continued to walk towards him.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice."

He throws sharp-edged bones towards your way and then summons his gaster blasters towards your way. Your eyes widen as you try to dodge the bones and the gaster blasters. Some bones were able to scratch part of your shirt. You duck as the gaster blaster aim for your head.

"Sans! Stop it!"

He doesn't listen to you. He has a pained look across his face as he continues to throw more attacks towards your way. You ran around the room as he threw more attacks at you. You were able to dodge most of his attacks, but you were losing a lot of energy. You were growing tired from all the dodging and running, but you weren't about to give up just yet.

*You are determined to finish this*

After a couple more attacks, Sans also looks like he was growing weary. He lazily throws three more bones at you, but they were going at a slower pace. You easily dodged them and trudged towards Sans. Your health was very low. Flowey suddenly popped out of the ground.


"Flowey! Stay back!"

"Well, if it isn't the little flower."

Flowey looks like he was hesitating, but then comes to an idea. You were confused what Flowey was going to do, but before you knew it, Flowey had thrown a seed attack at you and knocked you to the ground. Sans was surprised and looked hurt.


You get up and the pain has lessened.

"Y/n! Use my friendliness pellets to help you!"

You thank Flowey and collect more pellets. Sans wasn't going to let you go that easily. He uses his telekinesis to keep you from getting anymore pellets. He then slams you into the columns and onto the ground. He was getting weaker and his power died down. You held your side and get up slowly. You ran towards Sans with what little strength you had and ran at full speed towards him. He was surprised and threw more bone attacks at you. You just ran straight towards them and get cut across your face, your arms, and your legs. You tackle him and give him a hug. We both drop on our knees and fall. He hesitated, but was able to give me a hug back.

"Hey Sans, you know..... I've never given up on you and I never will. I'll be here for you. You have me remember?"

You can feel blood dripping out of your mouth and down your chin. Your vision was getting a little hazy. You can also feel something warm and wet down your shirt.

"I'm so sorry Y/n..........I'm sorry......"

"Hey, it's going to be ok. I'm not dead right? So stop crying."

You hold him in your arms tightly. You can feel your body becoming weaker and your vision, now a blur. Your arms stop holding him and they drop to your side. You close your eyes and limply lay there in his arms.

"Y/n? Y/n! Wake up! Y/N!!!!! Sh*t sh*t sh*t........."

*San's P.O.V*

Sh*t! It's all my fault. I look at the little flower and see it cowering.

"Are you gonna help her or what?!"

It disappears into the ground and next to Y/n. I can feel her struggling to breath. The flower starts to form more of those "pellets" and gives them to Y/n. She slowly heals until her health was back to a 20/20.

"Don't call me a w-weed. It's Flowey!"

Courageous now aren't we?


"Flowey" looks more content and I hug her closely in my arms. I'm so sorry.......

Corrupted Timeline: UF!Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now