Chapter 20: What Is With My Dreams Lately?!

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"I still don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal over Thierry's death, no offense or anything" I fixed my funeral dress while walking away from the church with Gia.

"He helped build this entire vampire community, there the only ones making a big deal. The witches don't care along with the wolves, and the human's are mostly clueless. Though I think the originals just showed up for Marcel" she pointed to them and I felt guilt come over me.

"I feel like I'm keeping you from Elijah because I'm too scared to go  over and see them" I sighed.

"Your not, I'm more than happy to stay with you. I just don't understand why you think they won't forgive you so easily" she frowned.

"I forced them to reveal their darkest secrets that may or may not have been to hurt one another. Not only did I practically throw any trust they had for me back in their face, I also demonstrated how little I can care about another's feelings when I want something to happen. If I'm honest...i don't want them to forgive me because I don't even forgive myself" I muttered as we started walking behind the coffin.

"That makes sense, but you'll have to face them some time" Gia made clear.

"I know, but maybe not just yet. I want the dust to settle a little more, at least until I feel like I have the right to their forgiveness" I shrugged as a cold chill came over me, I wrapped my arms around myself and we kept walking.

Time passed and our walking seemed never ending when I started to feel a little tickle in my throat, I coughed it out but it continued. "Are you okay?" Gia asked as my coughing continued, I completely forgot Monique did this to Hayley...greeeaaat(!)

"Fine" I strained out with another cough, "I'm gonna go over there" I pointed to the dark side-street. I just continued coughing and coughing until blood appeared, then it felt as though I was choking and more blood appeared.

"Elijah!" I heard Gia's shout as I fell to the floor, unconsciously.


I woke up with a gasp and looked around the glowing compound. I sat up, knowing what was coming next...and it did. Mikael stepped into view:

"Mikael, how nice of you to drop in" I rolled my eyes and got off the table, now standing on solid ground.

"Angela. I'd say it's lovely to see you again, but I'd be lying" he growled while looking at my stomach.

"You still trying to come back?" I teased.

"Well I was, but your little friend Davina doesn't seem interested" he stalked towards me.

"But why now?" I frowned.

"All the witches are desperate to get their hands on your baby, meaning the link between the other side and the real world is strained and weak. I can make the odd appearance, but only until that child is born. I won't be strong enough to do it afterwards" he explained.

"Do you want me dead then? Or do you want a shot at being a ghost grand-daddy?" I laughed and he gripped my neck.

"Welcome to my hell. Stuck in an eternity of watching over that hideous creature my children call brother. Knowing the last time we were face to face, I showed him kindness. Thanks to you!" he gripped harder and lifted me from the ground.

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