The Knot In Her Stomach

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Reba walks close to the stage and peeks out behind the certain.In her mind she says to herself Wow theres so many people here just , to hear me sing . Reba started to feel a knot in her stomach she was used to preforming ,she was pushing 61 . Even though she was The Queen Of Country she still had her moments where she would get nervous before going on stage. Brett her make-up artist could tell something was wrong " Reba you don't look so good , how about you go lay down before you go on stage ".On her way to her dressing room Reba bumped into Blake Shelton. " Hi Reba " Blake says in a cheerful voice , Reba looks at blake a little dizzy " Reba are you alright " Blake says concerned " Blake I'm fine , I should be I can't cancel a show because I'm dizzy". Blake let's Reba lean on his shoulder well he walked her back to her dressing room. Blake opened the door for Reba and help's Reba lay down, on the couch in her dressing room "Reba you have a while before you have to go out on stage, I'm the opening act so you have about an hour, before you have to go on". Blake started to hold Reba's hand until the stage manager walked in , and told Blake that he was on stage in 5 minutes. Blake kisses Reba on the forehead and reassures her that she will do fine and that , if she gets a small nap in she will feel better. Blake walks out of Reba's dressing room and leaves to go out on stage, well Reba fell asleep on the couch in her dressing room.

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