She Saved My Life

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Other staff came in and started to work they didn't notice Barry or Tracy missing because Barry always left when he pleased and Tracy was usually always late for work so they just opened Tianna's Bar and started serving customers. Reba walked in not to long after Tianna's Bar was opened and sat down at one of the old bar stools and kept talking to herself " I miss him but why ? why can't I just be over him me and him are divorced we can't go back to what me and him once had I wish we could. I crave his touch his affection the way his lips felt against mine I won't feel any of that again". Then tear's slowly moved down Reba's cheeks onto her blouse. Reba ask the bartender " can i get a beer or a shot of whiskey make that a bottle" the bartender grabs a beer from the cooler and grabs a shot glass and a bottle of whiskey " here you go " the bartender said. Reba felt like she had to pee due to the Ice Tea she had earlier from Cantrell's so Reba tried to be independent and find the bathroom on her own even though she had never been to Tianna's Bar before so Reba started walking down a weird hallway she seen  words written on the doors such as storage , employees only  , private and than she found a door with a man and women symbol on it. So Reba thought it was the bathroom and tried to open the door it was locked Tracy was putting up a fight well Barry tried to pin her to the floor she kicked and screamed for help but before she could scream for help Barry covered her mouth he said if she didn't scream and did what she was told he would let her free without him restraining her. Tracy played along to his little game and she stopped screaming and said " I'm sorry I'm just scared" Barry just told her well he stood up to unbutton his shirt " it's okay darlin it happens to all of us I promise it won't hurt". Well Barry had his back turned to her Tracy got up ran for the door and unlocked it when Reba heard the door unlock she thought it was okay to walk into the door she found Tracy laying on the floor naked crying and screaming when she heard someone else come in and also she thought Barry was gonna hurt her. Just than Reba took off her sweater and wrapped it around Tracy and well she was helping Tracy Barry tried to make a run for it but Reba took notice and stuck her foot out and tripped him causing him to hit his head off the door.

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