The Video

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Reba woke up in the morning to find Tia was gone , Reba got up out of bed and walked to the kitchen. To find Tia and Tracy cooking breakfast , Bacon with Pancakes drizzled with Maple syrup and Almonds on top with just a little bit of , whipped cream.

" Morning Reba , I hope you don't mind we left you sleeping , we didn't want to wake you " Reba just walked over and patted Tia's head " that's okay sweetheart you were just trying to be considerate" Reba pulled out one of the chairs from the kitchen table and sat down.

She checked her phone and seen a video , about Blake coming to find her all over the internet. Reba had a shocked look on her face  " I can't believe him , after I told him to he is still trying to get with me" Reba was angry but also confused. " Reba what's wrong " Tracy plated up their food and brought it to the table , Tracy and Tia pulled out a chair and sat down , " We need to find Blake I need to straighten him out ".

" Reba why would you have to find Blake" Tia and Tracy looked confused " He says he loves me and I told him I can't do this , I can't be with him I can't be Somebody's Chelsea not again"

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