The Letter

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Reba woke up and looked at her phone , her twitter notifications kept going off. Reba checked the notifications from twitter there was a bunch of tweets , from fans waiting for her to preform. There was about 1 hour before Reba had to go out on stage , so she decided to go for a  walk well she was walking by Blake's dressing room she noticed that his door to his dressing room was open.

Reba walked into Blake's dressing room to find a letter on the table addressed to her in a sealed envelope , Reba looked around to make sure no one was looking and opened it. Reba couldn't believe what she read in the letter.

Dear Reba

I remember the day we met , I have not said anything about my feelings for you because I didn't want to come between you and Narvel. Since you and Narvel are no longer together , I feel that I should finally tell you about how I've longed for your touch , and how far I would go to prove the depth and the breath of my love for you. I hope you will understand after you read this that I love you and , I want to try and be the person who is there for you forever and always by your side.

- Sincerely Blake

" What are you reading Reba" Blake walked in straight after Reba finished reading the letter , Reba dropped the letter and pretended she read nothing. " Oh nothing Blake I was just looking for  that beer you told me about" , " Reba I didn't tell you about any beer dont lie , I know you read the letter I wrote for you". Blake walked closer to Reba and grabbed her cheek and said " I' can finally do what I've always wanted to do with A women like you ".

The Tale Of Two Reba'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora