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Tracy looks at Bev and whispers " Bev zip it " Bev gets angry " Tracy I won't zip it your a bossy controlling a "Just than the doctor walk's in Tracy looks at the doctor and hugs her " Hi mama I haven't seen you in a while how has everything been". " I'm okay darling so what's going on here " Tracy points at Bev " Bev fainted and hit her head because she said she was seeing double of me but the thing is there's only one of me. Unless somehow I have a clone of myself " Tracy laughs Bev looks at Dr. Kaus and Tracy " look I'm fine I know what I seen I ain't crazy so let me leave ". Dr. Kaus says " we will run a cat scan and some test and see if your okay it may take at the most a couple hours". Bev sighs and is walked to another room to get a cat scan by one of the nurses at the hospital. Dr. Kaus didn't have any patience left to treat so she sat and spoke to Tracy " how's lil Tia doing I heard she want's to be a barrel racer like you " Tracy smiles " yeah Tia does we have a horse and a bunch a barrels set up at home". Tracy just got a sad look on her face "Mama why don't you talk to me anymore ever since I got married you haven't spoken to me ". Dr. Kaus looks at Tracy " I don't want anything to do with a harlot especially if that harlot is my daughter" Tracy stands up and stands up for herself " excuse me just because I got pregnant with Tia and I wasn't married doesn't mean I'm a harlot especially because he didn't tell me he was married but that don't matter. Tia is my little girl regardless of if she was born out of wedlock or if I was married it just proves how much of a judge mental person you are just because I slept with him doesn't mean Tia has to pay the price for it. Oh and to be honest she's better off without you in her life I've given her the perfect life even though I've had to raise her on my own ". Dr. Kaus look's at Tracy " you watch your mouth you won't talk to me like that I'm your mother " Tracy laughs " that's a good joke if you were my mother than why did you watch daddy hit me why did you leave me when I needed you to help me with Tia why didn't you be there for the birth of your first granddaughter. Your not my mother your not Tia's grandmother as far as I'm concerned after today your nothing but a stranger". Tracy and Dr. Kaus's discussion went on for about 2 or 3 hours luckily Bev and one of the nurses walked in before it could be carried any farther "Dr . Kaus we have the results of the cat scan and test " the nurse hands the results to Dr. Kaus " well Bev your test's and cat scan came back normal your free to go " Bev turns to Tracy and gives her the I told you so look " see Tracy I told you I knew what I seen".

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