Running Away

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" Blake where are you , why are you just calling me now , you are such an ass hole" Reba started crying " Reba I'm in the hospital I don't know which one , but I need you to come and see me please". Tracy and Tia had heard everything , there was a silence " Reba you need to go see him , even if you are mad at him , he needs you " Reba wiped away her tears " Tracy you're right , but I can't face him".

" Reba no one said you had to face him alone" Tia walked up to Reba and held her hand. Reba grabbed the keys for Tracy's truck everyone  buckled themselves in and , started driving. " Tracy where could Blake be " Tracy just smiled at Reba " there is only one hospital here and I know just where that is" , Tracy gave Reba directions to the hospital once they arrived they all unbuckled their seat belts.

Tracy , Tia and Reba ran into the hospital to the receptionist " where is Blake " the receptionist looked confused. " Who are you looking for ma'm " Reba just ran down the hall as fast as she could " Mrs you can't go in there until you get a pass" Reba continued to run , she was so afraid of hearing something bad she kept running. 

Reba finally reached the end of the rows of rooms and the last door at the end , of the hall was open she kept running until , she ran straight into the room to find Blake laying there. Wrapped in bandages with IV's coming out of him.

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