The History

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" Sister " Reba had a shocked look on her face " What do you mean sister" Tracy looked filled with anger. " Before I tell you , we need to go somewhere private " Tracy and Reba followed Dr . Kaus into her office.

Reba and Tracy sat down in the chairs , facing Dr . Kaus's desk. " Well when are you going to tell us the story , we have Tia and Blake sittin outside" , Dr . Kaus pulled a book off the top shelf of her bookshelf.

" You made us come in here so you could read us a book" Dr. Kaus opened the book and started to read , ignoring Tracy's  comment " I was in college and I had just turned 21 , my friend had invited me to a party there was loud music everyone , had been drinking and people were getting very friendly with one another. My friend introduced me to a man his name was Clark we had run into each other on campus many times before , but never had the nerve to speak to one another, he told me everything I wanted to hear we dated for a couple months but when I finally told him I was pregnant and with twins , he told me he couldn't be  a father not yet. Clark was a professor at the college and he wasn't ready to lose his job over a student , so he paid me to shut up and never speak to him again , I called him the day I found out that I went into labor  I told him once he came to see me at the hospital , that he had to stand up and take your sister because I couldn't support two baby girls and go to school. So he took your sister and left for Oklahoma and I never heard a word from him again".

" Mama you're saying that you slept with Reba's daddy , and Reba is my sister" Dr . Kaus wiped away the tears from her eyes " Yes that is exactly what I'm saying " Tracy stood up in anger and started throwing papers off the desk " When exactly were you going to tell me , that I had a sister , you weren't ever gonna tell me "Dr . Kaus walked over to Tracy and took hold of her arm " I did it to give your sister a better life , and to also provide for you".

Reba walked over to Tracy and gave her a hug , "Tracy it's okay we are together now , we can be sisters now " Tracy started crying " Reba thank you " Tracy walked up to her mother with tears running down her face " after everything you calling me a Harlot not being there for my daughter , and lying about  having another child  I am done with you ".

Tracy shut the door behind her as they walked , out into the parking lot closing the hospital door behind her. Once Tracy and Reba got to the car they told Blake and Tia the whole story , they went back to Tracy's house and cooked dinner and ate with one another , and sat there and had a real family dinner.

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