The Cab Ride

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The flight attendant sounded over the system " everyone time to get up we have just landed in Springfield , Missouri. Blake grabbed his jacket and walked off the plane into the airport Blake took ou this phone and started to search for a cab company luckily he found a company that was about 10 minutes away. Blake dialed the number for the cab company the manger said a cab would be there in 10 to 15 minutes so Blake sat on a rock that sat right in front of the airport sign until the cab pulled into the airport car park. Blake got in the cab checked his phone there was no new messages so he asked the cab driver " whats the best hotel around here " the cab driver replied " Bethany's its about 30 minutes from here sir " Blake thought for a second " okay can you please take me to Bethany's " and as instructed the cab driver started to drive to Bethany's. It took longer than expected there was an accident on Shelby's Rd which lead to town. It took an hour and a half for the traffic to clear after the traffic cleared the cab driver continued into town and it was about 20 minutes Before they got to Bethany's hotel. The can driver told Blake how much he had to pay Blake handed him 2000 dollars after Blake shut the door and the can driver left Blake said to himself " well they sure ain't the reason people are broke around here you just pay thousands for a damn cab ride ".

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