A Dream Come True Or A Nightmare

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Reba walked for 20 minutes to the Airport. Reba walked into the Airport and walked up to the front desk."can i have one ticket to Springfield , Missouri " Reba says to the person who has the tickets. " Here is your ticket and have a nice flight " the person holding the tickets says. Reba goes through security and then gives the person at the terminal her ticket and over the announcements Reba heard " Flight 810 for Springfield , Missouri is now boarding.Reba walked onto the plane and found her seat , she kept waiting but then she slowly drifted off to sleep. Reba was dreaming of her wedding day of her and Narvel but the only thing different was that instead of Reba marrying Narvel, Reba was getting married to Blake. Reba woke up in a panic like it was a nightmare and looked around to find everyone else on the plane sound asleep , Reba took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and slowly went back to sleep.

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