A Heart Warming Offer

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Reba wiped the tears off of Tia's face , and looked into her eyes. "Well Sweetheart if you and your Mama don't mind , I'd love to spend week with Ya'll , you're a brave girl and you deserve to have something good happening to ya" Tracy just looked at Tia and was silent " Mama can she stay please , Mama I really wanna spend time with her".

Tracy walked up to Tia and started rubbing her back " Darlin it's your choice ". Reba waited for a response " Reba I'd love to spend time with you , I've looked up to you for many years I really want to get to know you , for more than just a singer , I want to get to know you as a person". Tia hugged Reba and than everyone went inside.

Tracy held the door open for Reba " Thank you for asking to spend time with Tia , hopefully this will help her" Reba started crying and hugged Tracy " I'm happy to help with what she's been through and also yourself". 

Tracy closed the door once everyone was inside , Tia took Reba's hand and walked her to her bedroom. Reba walked into Tia's room and seen posters of herself and photos of really sad things , like comments saying she deserves to cut herself , she should kill herself , that she deserved what happened.

 Tia opened her closet and pulled out a couple of blankets and a pillow and layed them on the floor " Reba don't worry I'm sleeping on the floor ,  you can take my bed" Reba sat down on the bed moving her hand against the covers " Sweetheart you didn't deserve what happened , people say things just to be cruel , so please don't listen to them".

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