Paper Work

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Tracy talk's to the receptionist and the receptionist told her to fill out 4 pages of paper work and to have a seat and to hand them back to her when their done filling them out. So Tracy dragged Bev to her seat and Bev still didn't wanna get up so Tracy looked at Bev and said " If you aren't gonna get up I will drag you everywhere ". Bev looks at Tracy with doubt " I don't think you will Tracy because your to kind to do it even though you dragged me in here " Tracy giggles at Bev and says " I will do it so I wouldn't try your luck darlin ". Tracy sat there asking Bev many questions on the paper work ''Bev do you drink " Tracy asked " No " Bev replied the questions seemed to go on for hours on end after 20 minutes or so of filling out paper work Tracy walks back to the receptionist desk well still keeping an eye on Bev and hands in the paper work. It seemed to Bev that they were waiting together for a life time Tracy looks at Bev and says " time goes by fast don't it " Bev looks at Tracy and says " I'm fine really I am trust me ". "Bev you aren't gonna convince me that you don't need to see a doctor you're seeing one regardless of what you want "  Tracy says concerned. " Yes Mom " Bev says sarcastically to Tracy " How much longer we've been sitting here for ages " Bev said." What maybe an hour  it can't be age's " Tracy tells Bev. " Okay smart ass " Bev says to Tracy and laughs.

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