Now Boarding Flight 810

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  Blake is watching TV in his man cave in his hotel room and , at the bottom of the screen the story headline on the news says Missing :Reba Mcentire  Blake spits out his beer and runs to the kitchen and dumps out his key bowl to find his keys to his pick up, Blake saw Reba walking to the airport. Blake drives to the airport and there was a line of people , Blake wasn't thinking when he ran to the front of the line, everyone behind him started getting mad and he just turned around and said " The women I've been in love with for years is missing so , hate me or not I'm not going to stop until i find her". No one could believe what came out of Blake's mouth then some people started to cry and some just apologized. Blake runs up to the person handling the tickets and says to the person who handles the tickets " Have you seen this person ?" Blake asked well holding up a photo of him and Reba from a episode of the voice " Yes " said the person handling the tickets." What flight did they take ?" Blake was annoyed but tried to stay calm because he wanted to find Reba instead or sitting at home doing nothing. " She bought tickets to Springfield Missouri " The person told Blake " I'll take them " Blake pulls out a random amount of money  and the person said " that's 700 dollars " Blake gave the money to the person and the person handed him the ticket and than the person said " this too much there's 2000 dollars here. " The person said as Blake was rushing to the flight he said " Just take it as a tip I don't care I have to find her before it's to late ". Blake runs to the terminal throws his ticket at one of the people working there and , gets on the plane and sits at his seat Blake checks his phone and to him time is going slow he screams " can we hurry up I have to get to Missouri right now " Blake says the flight attendant walks up to Blake and says " sir please sit down your disrupting the other passengers " the flight attendant said. Blake asked if he could have a beer and the flight attendant came back with a beer and Blake kept sipping his beer and tried calling Reba over and over but there was still no answer , the plane was just about to take off and over the announcements the driver of the plane said "please turn all cell phones off we are ready for take off". Blake kept getting Reba's voice mail when he called Reba. Blake said "Reba I know you hate me I shouldn't have kissed you especially because you and Narvel just got divorced but I just wanted you to know I love you and that I want to be able to wake up  and say I love you I love you Reba by the way it's Blake " then Blake turned off his phone the plane set off for its journey to Missouri.

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