The Mix - Up

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The waitress come's over to Reba with a menu " hi Tracy want the usual ?" the waitress Bev said, Reba looks at Bev confused " what do you mean Tracy , my names Reba " Reba looks at Bev " Reba you mean Mcentire no you ain't your Tracy " Bev says to Reba. Reba keeps trying to tell Bev she is the real Reba Mcentire but no matter what she said Bev just kept thinking she was Tracy, so Reba just gave her order to the waitress , they didnt have cornbread so for breakfast Reba was having Ice Tea and Bacon and Eggs. Reba goes back to starring out the window,10 minutes had gone by and the waitress was standing there with Reba's order and Bev said " here's your order Tracy" and Bev kept repeating it then Bev started to shake Reba gently trying to get an answer , Reba then finally snaps out of it Reba had  zoned out well waiting for her food thinking about if she should quit singing or go back to Nashville. " Here Tracy your Bacon and Eggs with a glass of Ice Tea" Bev said to Reba.

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