The Experience Of A Lifetime

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Reba got a call from her agent saying that she had , a concert and the show was sold out and she had to be there. " I'll be there as soon as I can' Reba hung up the phone , the agent didn't care about where Reba was , the agent only cared if she was there for the concert.

" Tia , Tracy can ya'll come here for  a minute " Tracy came in from the front yard , from gardening and Tia came out of her room and walked to the kitchen. " How would ya'll like to come to one of my concerts" Tracy looked at Tia and smiled " Well it's all up to your Niece now".

" Well Tia what do you say , do you wanna come to my concert" everyone stared at Tia there was a long pause of silence " No , I'm kinda over Reba" Tracy's Jaw dropped " Just kidding I'd love to go I've never been to your concerts before , can I get some pictures with you or help you do your make up". Reba got up from her chair and hugged them , well everyone go pack and get ready , Texas here we come.

Blake had already gone back to Nashville he accepted the fact that , Reba didn't want him not yet anyway . So he started to work on a new album and write songs and , try and get over her.

Reba and Tracy and Tia walked into the Springfield Missouri  Airport : can I get 3 tickets to Texas please ". Reba paid for the tickets and they all walked to the gate and got on the plane and within an hour , they got in their seat buckled up and soon the plane took off.

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