A normal day, or is it? [Luna]

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Hello, my name is Roxy but I also go by Luna. I go by Luna most of the time since I like dressing in black. I seem strange and anti-social at school and in public but in all honesty I'm just shy and afraid of crowds. School is stressful but isn't it always? I look forward to just coming home and sitting on my phone. I love watching Minecraft videos, specifically The Pack and others that are part of the "How to Minecraft squad" like Choco, Kenny, Nooch, Speedy, Side, Landon, and even Pwincessly. My favorite youtuber is PeteZahHutt or Brandon while Rob is my favorite pack member. I stay up late watching their videos then start my homework late at night, which I know isn't healthy but hey it's what makes me happy. I rarely go outside but I decided that I would go outside today and make myself walk. I used to live on the east coast but I ended up moving away from my old home. I miss it but I kind of like my new home.

I grab my headphones and head out the door, switching on my songs. I walked quite a ways down the street while singing along to my music when BajanCanadian's Hunger Games Song came on. I started singing along as I walked, ignoring any people who might be staring. I heard a car driving close but ignored it since I knew I was by the street so that's where cars belonged. I took no thought of it when I was suddenly grabbed and and had a bag stuck over my head. It scared me because I had never had any bad experiences like this before in my life. I passed out hearing a strangely familiar voice say, "Oi mate be careful, she's fragile."

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