"Snow the slopes" [Rob]

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I felt bad for leaving Luna alone like this but I haven't seen my family in a while and I needed to break free from the guys for a while. I have had enough of them and needed a break so I decided to travel back to Canada to see my dad and go snowboarding. She'll be fine, it's only for the weekend, I hope. Preston will protect her, if not for her, for me. Preston's has always been there for me and I have for him. I am the only one capable of pulling him out of his flame-filled rages. It makes me feel happy that I can make a difference for someone, especially for the person that could be burned alive for making Preston angry. He's usually a laid back guy, but when he rages, he rages hardcore. He is worse than Mitch and Jerome when that happens. I guess I'm pretty thankful that I have my talent of mood changing because is sure does come in handy everywhere. I grabbed my snowboard and headed to the slopes. I was stopped by a few fans for pictures but made it to the top fairly quick. I fastened my helmet and starting sliding down the slope, swerving side to side like a pro. I'm pretty comfortable with snowboarding and have been doing it for a long time, probably because I am Canadian. I went zooming down the hill when I suddenly hit a flag and started to tumble. I was scared out of my mind that I would die and leave Luna alone. I stopped myself with my arms and finally stopped going downhill. I decided that I was done snowboarding for the day, and my whole trip. I crouched down and slid down the hill to the bottom and immediately left, not wanting to risk it again. I got home when I felt a vibrate in my pocket. I looked down and saw a message from Vikk, how odd....
Vikk: Hey, not trying to rush you but there is something wrong with Luna. She- she can't see. Her vision went blurry so Mitch put her back to sleep but we can't find what's wrong without you to calm her. I'll see you tomorrow Robby ;)
P.s. I actually defended her from Lachlan and Mitch's abuse by the way. You're welcome.
So. Vikk helped her but why is she going blind. I need to get to the bottom of this but I have to wait till morning for a plane back home. I'll miss Canada, but I'll come back. Maybe I'll bring Luna and Preston next time. My two favorite people :)
Oh well. Till the morning I guess.

Don't worry. I have something planned for Luna's POV :D

~Luna out!

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