Here we go [Luna]

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I woke up on a couch, a mighty soft one may I add. I was just waking up so of course I tried sitting up when I noticed I was already upright and I was now falling forward. Suddenly something flashed by me and prevented me from falling. I didn't even check to see who it was because my vision was still blurry from sleeping.
"Thanks Lachlan." I said, ignoring the fact that it may not have been him.
"How did you know that was me?" He questioned, quite confused.
Fudge, I'm not supposed to know about his power. Ummmm.....
"Ummm. You are the only one here who can run that fast." I said, telling the straight up truth.
"She already knows what we can do Lachy." Vikk said, walking into the room.
Thanks Vikk for the save. I forgot I wasn't supposed to know, sorry.
"Perfectly fine, he would have found out eventually anyways. And no problem." Vikk answered.
"By the way Vikk." I said.
"First of all, stay out of my dreams. Second of all, at least tell me who you are going to throw into my dreams before you do it." I said, confident in my words. Suddenly, I couldn't move. My whole body became paralyzed and I saw Mitch move next to me. Get away from me.
"Vikk can read minds, but I can control minds. I would watch what you say, sweety." Mitch spoke, clearly pissed at me for my remark.
"Come at me. I'm not afraid of you. I'm just disappointed in what you really act like behind the scenes though. It's seriously depressing knowing that you actually are a jerk off camera. Now please kindly get out of my head." I sassed, immediately regretting it.
Mitch grabbed my arm and pulled me up to standing position. He was a lot taller than me so I bent down a bit, intimidated. He told me to go eat and sit on the couch while they went to record some videos. He clearly knew I wouldn't try to escape after being in my head. What a jerk. I grabbed some food and sat down, pulling out the phone that was still in my pocket. Why didn't they take this? I pulled up my messages and texted my mom, I hope you're happy that you have made me feel like absolute crap all of these years because I won't be seeing you ever again. Don't come looking for me because I don't want to be found by you and my sorry excuse for a father. I'm glad to have you out of my life. Goodbye, and don't ever try to contact me ever. ~a depressed, dysfunctional orphan.
Jerome happened to walk in the room when I had my phone on and saw it, probably thinking I was contacting authorities or something.
"Jerome wait. Please listen to me before you try to hurt me. I wasn't contacting help. I was saying goodbye to my sorry excuse of a mom. I'm glad to be gone from them. I'd prefer to be yelled at here than be with them. They were horrible and made my life a living hell 24/7. You can even read the text I sent her if you want to. I don't even need the phone anymore either." I answered, trying to calm him down.
"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU." He roared again.
I noticed Rob walking into the room and immediately ran to him, jumping into his arms. He noticed Jerome yelling his head off and told me to get behind him. Suddenly Jerome became a bacca, and not an adorable one, may I add. He started walking towards us but stopped. He seemed to be fighting something and winning. Rob must have been using his powers on him to calm his mood but it wasn't helping. I ran down the hallway into Mitch's room, and luckily he wasn't recording at that time. He noticed the fear in my eyes and walked up to me. He scanned me up and down, but why?
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm checking for scratches or bites. Jerome tends to attack when he's angry. I'll take care of him but you will be telling me exactly what pissed him off." He answered, leaving the room to calm Jerome.
I walked back to Rob, who picked me up and walked me over to the couch. He threw me down and sat next to me with a worried look on his face.
"I'm fine, Rob No worries. I'm not hurt physically but I don't think I can think of baccas or even Jerome the same again. Haha." I said, making him relieved.
"What did you do?" Mitch said, crossing his arms with that classical pissed off look. Must be a normal face for him haha.
"Here. I didn't contact help. Why would I? I hated my parents so why would I want police to arrest you and take me back to that hellhole?" I spoke, hesitating on a few words due to the fear of punishment. I handed him the phone with the messages on screen. He read through them and looked up, surprised. He didn't respond though, he just went back to his room. He's probably still pissed at me for no reason. I guess he is going to be impossible to "make friends" with....

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