Chapter 10

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I knocked on the door softly to make my presence known. "Princess can I come in now?" I said. "Yes you can silly" I heard Juliet say giggling. She was dressed in her adorable onsie with her hair in a bun. She looked enchanting. She looked at me with bright pink cheeks. "Ready for bedtime baby girl?" I said looking down at her smiling face. She nodded quickly.
I picked her up in my arms and brought her to her bed. I untucked the blanket and laid her down gently. I kissed her forehead softly and tucked her in. "Bedtime story?" I heard Juliet say in a hushed tone. I nodded and went to a shelf filled with books.
I sat on the edge of her bed and began to read goodnight moon. She yawned snuggled deep within her blanket. I handed her a small bear which she instantly grabbed quickly. Hugging it close. I held onto her hand while reading the book. She yawned once again and shoved her face in her pillow. I finished reading and sat the book down. She seemed to be nearly sleeping so I kissed her forehead "goodnight princess. I love you." I said whisper in her ear hoping she would respond back. She was completely quiet. Maybe she wasn't ready to tell me she loved me.
I sighed hoping my little princess would have a nice night. I went to her bathroom and cleaned her clothes from the floor. Compared to her normal clothes, the ones I had were a bit large for her. Perhaps tomorrow we might need to go shopping to get her better fitting clothing.
I smiled knowing perfectly which store I would take her to.
I went off to my room taking a quick shower. I then began dressing and putting my pajama pants on. Brushing my wet hair back softly. I made some email for work and finally laid down for bed. Staying up in bed because it was hard to fall asleep. I was worried about my princess first night sleeping but I eventually went to bed. I began dreaming of my little Juliet and how happy she makes me.
A few hour later I heard a faint sound roaming throughout the hall. What was that sound. I sat up on my bed and could still hear the sound. I walked to Juliet room and there she was tossing and turning. She must be having a nightmare. I patted her arm trying to wake her up. She clung onto my arm and looked up at me with her large doll-like eyes. "Nightmare" I whispered to her quietly. She nodded quickly with tears in her eyes "can I sleep with you?" She said in a small tone. I couldn't help but smile because of how adorable she is.
I picked her up and carried her to my room. I laid her down on my bed and laid next to her. She cuddled up close to me. I smiled and rested her head on my chest while I held her tight. "I love you too Dante." I heard Juliet say. Woah did she really just say that "huh?" I asked making sure if I heard her correctly. She looked at me with her sleepy eyes "I said I love you too, you said it earlier so I wanted to make sure you knew I felt the same way." She said resting her head back on my chest. I held her tight. While I was with her I knew no one can harm her. I fell asleep with Juliet in my arms.

Little PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora