❤Chapter 23❤

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I woke up to the sound of a loud knock on my door and the smell of breakfast. Yum. My door opened and in walked Dante with a pink tray in his hands. "Your family is out shopping right now so I decided to make you some breakfast." Dante said sitting on the edge of my bed and handing me the tray. He looked around the room admiring all my posters. "They left my room exactly as I left it, isn't it awesome?" I said while eating up the breakfast. He nodded and walked around my room. He checked out my CD collection. "Wanna dance?" He said putting a disc in my old stereo. I jumped off my bed and ran to him. " yes daddy." I said giggling. The song started and it was check yes Juliet by We the Kings. Daddy grabbed my hands and danced with me. After a while of jamming out we heard a knock at the door. "Juliet sorry to interupt your little dance party but your father wants to know if you will join the target practice today." My mother said opening my door. I nodded a ton and held Dante's hand. "Can Dante come too?" I said smiling and my mother nodded.
Dante and I got dressed in our camouflage outfits and walked with my dad into the woods. We got the shotguns and my dad set up targets. I tried aiming and shooting but couldn't hit a target. Dante and my dad were both hitting ever target laid out. Who knew Dante could handle a gun. "Daddy could you help me shoot a target" I said pouting. "Sure thing Juliet" they both said in unison. My dad look at Dante with a scowl. Then a small chuckle began, Dante laughed too but nervously. "Trying to push this old mans buttons huh? Your a damn good kid but don't push your luck." He said patting Dante on the back. "You can go help her, boy" my father added. Thank gosh my dad assumed Dante was just trying to bug him. Dante went to me and helped me line up my aim to finally shoot a target.

I walked around the house tidying up here and there a bit. I went to Juliet's room and made her bed. I missed my little girl so much. I cleaned up the dishes from last might that were being soaked in the sink. I walked to the guest room where Dante was staying in. His bed was already made perfectly. There was a small pink pacifier on the side of a bag. Hm time to be nosey. I searched in the bag to find stuffed animals, bottles and pacifier. Oh my gracious me. Was Juliet pregnant?! I quickly shoved everything back in the bag and walked out the room. Do I tell Juliet and Dante that I know their secret? I walked in the living room and was greeted by everyone just walking in. "Nick,Nick come here for a second I need to talk to you about something." I said motioning for Nick to follow me in the kitchen. He went in the kitchen "I think Juliet might be pregnant. I think Dante and Juliet wanted to tell us by showing us the bag in Dantes room." I said whispering. Nick looked at me confused "What bag? Juliet isn't even married to that man yet, why assume shes pregnant? She's our precious little angel and wouldn't do anything before marriage." Nick said whispering.
"Nick, listen to me, I know what I saw. In Dantes room there's a bag filled with sippy cups and pacifiers." I said. I heard Juliet walk in the kitchen so I turned to look at her. From what I could tell she was still as thin as ever. Her skin didn't glow. Her personality was still the exact same. She couldn't be pregnant! Even though all those things in the bag I saw. A mothers instinct knows best.
"Mom can we talk in my room for a second?" Juliet said quietly. "Of course, darling." I said walking to her room. I sat on the edge of the bed. "Come on tell me what you needa get off your chest." I said patting the spot next to me. Juliet sat and sighed. "Mom its just that Dante has been keeping a little bit of secrets from me, like at the jewelry store and now he told me that he needs some time to think things over. Then he walked in his room." Juliet said sadly. "There, there darling. Sometimes men are secretive when they are planning something or even scared." I said holding her close.

I sat down in the living room with my dad. This poor old man looked stressed to death. "You alright pops?" I said looking over at him and he just nodded unsurely. Dante walked in a coughed. "Sir, may we talk?" He said confidentiality to my dad. "What is it?" My dad said. "Well as you may know I love your daughter Juliet, she makes me very happy so I would like...well I'm asking... Hoping.." Dante continued stuttering clearly unsure of how he wanted to phrase his next words. "Spit it out!" My dad said sternly. "I wanted to ask for your blessing to marry Juliet." Dante finally said. Oh shit! My father looked at him angrily. "So you love her huh? Are you completely sure love is the only reason you want to marry my daughter?!" My dad said. Dante shook his head. "I want to care for her, I want to protect her. If god shall allow it,I hope to look up to you and try to be as a good as husband as you are to your wife." Dante said. Oh he was good. He knew what to say, slick little bastard. My dad nodded. "Since you have enough respect for my family and I. You have my blessing. If I shall ever hear you hurt Juliet in anyway, you will be answering to me." My dad said getting up and opening his arms for a hug. Dante hugged him tightly and I patteded him on the back.

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