chapter 43

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We drove to the club, we took the long route so we would be "fashionably late" as Juliet said. We got out and walked into my club, it was decorated with Juliet's taste in mind, it was absolutely stunning, the music was blaring through the speakers and many had already arrived. They were scattered along the dance floor jamming away or at the bar getting intoxicated, free of charge of course. I chuckled to see Daniel in the center dancing, he had to woman at his side yelling along with the lyrics, Angel on his left of the dance floor, looking not to fond of the situation at hand. Juliet was grabbing my hands trying to inch me to bring her to the rest room. I happily went along. Not for a immature reason but I knew she wanted to change her clothing, and she had an extra set of clothing waiting for her in the bathroom. I waited outside the ladies room.
Juliet came out of the ladies room. My jaw dropped so quickly it nearly hit the floor. She was gorgeous, exquisite, magnificent if I do say so myself. She was possibly the most beautiful being on earth and she was mine. "Ready to dance?" She asked me flashing her giant smile. I nodded in agreement, trying to hold back from whistling and drewling like a dog. She was absolutely mesmerizing it was hard to keep my eyes off her. I went off to the dance floor with her, we danced for a few hours until the reception started coming to a close. Everyone loved he buffet, the chefs had to restock often with all the meals. The last dances started. The father daughter dance began. The once flooded dance floor was now empty for Juliet and her father.
I stood beside Juliet's mother who was crying louding. She sobbed on my shoulder as her daughter danced with her father. This was a beautiful moment. It was enjoyable to watch. The father shed a tear or two. Juliet smile hadn't faded at all since the dance began. Snake stood next to me. "Could I have a minute with you." He asked quietly. I nodded before I asked to be excused by Juliet's mother. I stood with my father in the VIP area. "I'm very proud of you. I see you made a name for yourself, you grew your business farther than I could have ever imagined. You have a beautiful young woman on your arm, I know you'll keep her safe. Dante I just ask you for one thing if nothing else. Forgive me....I know what I did was wrong. Just please, I just want to be your dad again." He said holding back tears. This man. This man that stole my best friend, my sister, my happiness wants me to forgive him. To forgive his drunken slob when my mother was crying. Forgive his abandonment of my family to spend afternoons at bars for my mother to spend nights driving the streets to find him drunk on the sidewalk. Forgive that this man, this man that wants my forgiveness, was the reason my sister is gone, why my mother is gone.
As evil as this man once was. I felt bad for him. A sense of pity. "I forgive you." The words seemed to slip from my lips. My vile lips, the ones that used to curse this old man for all the pain he had caused me. He hugged me tightly with tears slipping down his cheeks. He hugged me so tightly air pushed out of my lungs. I coughed "okay enough enough." Trying to make him let go of me, he stepped back. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to squeeze so tightly." He said embarressed. I tried to ease his thoughts. "Uh its" I said hesitantly. His eyed grew large looking at me with utter shock. It was so odd seeing this man sober. All my life he was a drunken slob that did nothing for my family and nothing for me. He wasn't there when my business was in shambles, he wasn't even there for me as a father at any point I could remember. My memories of his evil ways faded away. He was no longer an evil man. He was a father who longed to make his wrongs right. To clean up his past so he could have his family in his future.
"Okay...son, well I'll let you be on your way, I know its your wedding night I shouldn't be holding you up so long" he said with a soft voice. In an odd way I didn't believe he changed. I wondered why somewhere I still had doubt about him. I nodded and walked to see juliet finishing her last dance with her father. The dance floor once again became flooded with dozens of couples. I walked to Juliet in the center and bowed. "May I have this dance Mrs. Knight?" I asked with a smirk. "Oh yes you may Mr.knight." she said while blushing intensely. We danced for hours and hours. Many people left but we kept occupied I'm each other embrace. Juliet went to sit down. "What's wrong princess?" I asked curiously. She smiled up at me and giggled. "My feet hurt from dancing so much" she said with an adorable grin on her face. I chuckled and sat next to her."woah look around" I said, the entire club was empty except Sebastian, Daniel and Angel who was asleep in a booth. She chuckled "I guess that means its time to go home"

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