chapter 39

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I picked up the phone to hear snakes voice on the other side of the line. "What do you want." I said clenching my jaw.I hated to be interrupted when I'm with my girl, especially if its by someone I dislike. His voice was quite, its hard to believe that at some point in my life I actually looked up to this monster. "Listen danny boy I don't want to stay enemies. What happened to your sister is my fault and I regret it everyday. I honestly am better now. I just want a relationship with my son again." He said. His words cut through my soul like knives. At some points I wish I did have a better relationship with my dad. This was all so different. "I'll think about it." I snarled and hung up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket, took a deep breath then walked to Juliet. "So my little princess, what is it you wanted to do?" I said excitedly. She was staring at her phone. I waved my hands up to possibly catch her attetion. Whatever she was looking at had her glued to her phone. I smirked a bit,I inched closer to her getting ready to tickle her. I tackled her down on the Bed and started tickling on her sides. Her legs kicked, her arms flailed while she laugh uncontrollably. Her phone swung out her arms and hit the ground. "Daddy! My phone" she said laughing. "I'll buy you a new one." I said while stopping and kissing her. She paused and looked at her. She had the most beautiful eyes. They were breathtaking. My cheeks heat rose. I always knew Juliet was gorgeous but at this moment it seemed to be utter perfection. Her skin, so gentle. I picked her up. She sat on my hip.
"Daddy check if my phones okay." She said quietly. I nodded and grabbed her phone. Of course it was fine, the case I bought her was indestructible. It had to be since this little girl sometimes runs around dropping her phone. I showed her the screen. "Daddyyyy, can we go there, can we go there?!" She said pointing at the screen. I looked at the phone and it was a small fair about 20 minutes away. I've never been to one of these fairs, but if Juliet wanted to go, I'd be glad to take her. "Sure princess, go get dressed and I'll take you" I said while kissing her forehead. She zoomed to her closet, rummaging through her entire closet for the perfect outfit, I walked to my room and put on a pair of jeans with a muscle t shirt. I walked back to Juliet's room. My jaw dropped. She was stunning in a orange sundress, she was admiring herself in the mirror. She twirled around giggling. I smirked and grabbed her by her hips. "Ready to go?" I asked while looking at her reflection. Her cheeks turned hot pink, blushing uncontrollably. "Yes daddy!" She said running to the front door, I put a hairtie on my wrist in case Juliet would need one.
Off we went to the fair, as a child I only saw fairs on television, honestly never went to one before. Juliet hopped out the car and ran to the stand that sold the wrist bands. I got an unlimited pass for the both of us. Juliet tugged on my arm "lets go! Let's go!" She said leading me spinning ride, oh goodie, Juliet loves to spin until I feel sick to the pit of my stomach. Of course I got on the ride since I loved Juliet. As always my baby spun till my head felt it was spinning. She giggled knowing what she was doing. The ride ended, she rushed me to several other fair rides. most were extremely fun, although the smile on Juliets face was more enjoyable than any of the silly rides. Juliet brought me to the tilt n' wirl, the gravity belt, and the slingshot. She loved all the quick activity. It was absolutely precious to see her being so joyful in a public area without any shame of her childish aspects.
Juliet brought me to the small fair games. I stood in line as others tested their ability to pop a simple balloon with a dark, how hard could this be right? Although the task seemed so easy, many failed. I was up next. Paid 5 dollars and threw the darts. They bounced off the balloons as if they were trampolines. Juliet was behind me giggling. As if she knew I was going to fail, she pat my back "its alright, these games are just made to lose, barely anyone actually WINS a prize." She said with a thoughtful smile. I refused to lose "would you care to tell me the secret on how to win this game for I don't know, a mere 20 dollars?" I said trying to bribe the carny. He rose an eyebrow and smirked, snatching the money from my hand. "I'll teach ya. Just hit the orange ones on the left and green ones on the right" he said. I paid another 5 and did as I was told. Each ballom exploded perfectly, Juliet chose a large stuffed tiger. Next game, basketball, easy. I just had to throw the ball in a far hoop, simple enough, no tricks. Swish! Juliet chose another prize. I continued winning, bribing here and there a bit till Juliet had a clear bag as tall as me filled with stuffies. She had the hugest smile on her face. It was completely adorable. It was starting to get late so I took Juliet home. She fell asleep in the car so I picked her up and set her in her bed. I kissed her forehead "goodnight my darling, I hope you had a great day" I whispered in her ear before I walked to my room. The date of the wedding was inching closer and closer. I knew I was ready.

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