chapter 47

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Juliet rushed out the house as I closed the door behind her. I didn't want to intrude on whatever she was doing. What was she up to? She looked nervous, she never dresses like that. I paced around the room nervously. My poor little angel was hiding something from me. I hope she's alright, maybe she's sick, maybe she started her period, gosh I don't know what's up with her. I picked up my phone, ready to call her but I hesitared. Whatever she was doing, she didn't want me to know about so I'd respect her privacy. Maybe...
I walked to her room and peeked my head inside. Maybe she wrote in her diary about what's going on with her. I read through it. Nothing,  not even one word even hinting on why she would rush to leave. I searched around her room, maybe she had something. I felt so guilty, but I know I was only doing this to make sure she's alright. I heard footsteps up the stairs. Juliet?! Shit, I didn't even hear her walk in. I pushed her diary under her pillow and stammered around her room. Where do I hide? Too late. The door opened. I took a deep breath, preparing my speech about why I'm in her room. Sebastian walked through the door and I let out a sigh of relief. "Sir what are you searching for?" He asked softly. I coughed nervously. Trying to make up an excuse in my head. "You're worried about Juliet aren't you?" Sebastian said while raising an eyebrow. I nodded shamefully. I just was worrying about her so much. My precious little angel was in distress and I could tell. "Do you know where she is? I'm very worried about her." I asked cautiously, Worrying about the answer that would arise. "She's fine, she just went to the shop to pick up some things for herself. Who knows, maybe you'll get a good news soon." He said smiling at me. He knew something I didn't know. I didn't even want to ask. I invited her personal space to much today.
I walked out the room without another word. I shuffed down the steps until I heard the doorknob. Juliet! Juliet! Juliet! She's finally home! I felt like an excited puppy. I ran to the door and opened it before she did. I had a huge smile on my face "hey princess, I missed you." I said trying to greet her. She ignored me and walke upstairs. I huffed and sat down on the couch waiting for her. I flipped through the Channels. I watched a few episodes and she still hasn't come down stairs. I growled under my breath as I walked upstairs.
"Princess I understand you may be in a bad mood, but I dislike you pushing me away. I'm suppose to be here for you. Just let me in." I said before knocking on her door. No answer. I walked inside. Juliet wasn't in the room. I walked to the bathroom and there was juliet sitting nervously on the counter. I raised an eyebrow. Why was she acting so strange? I looked down at the counter and saw 2 pregnancy test. No way... Was she pregnant? My heart beat quickened. "I haven't checked them yet. I'm too scared to see the results." She said to me softly. I walked up to her and kissed her forehead. "Are you scared it might be positive baby girl?" I asked her. She nodded and hid her hands into her long sleeves. I lifted her chin so she would look at me. "No matter what that test says, you'll always be my little girl understand? Its not gunna change me tucking you in, giving you pacifiers. You're my baby. And if you're pregnant, well then I'll have to take care of the both of you." I said trying to comfort her. She nodded sheepishly. I knew she was scared about having to give up being little. It was her way of life. It made her feel safe, feel wanted.
I picked up the pregnancy tests. "Let's do this together, on three alright?" I asked and paused for her response. Once again she gave a shy nod of her head showing she agreed. "" I began. "Three." She finished. We turned over the pregnancy tests. Both showed up positive. We're having a baby. "I'm pregnant" she said. "You're pregnant!" I replied. Tears began in her eyes as her smile grew. "I'm pregnant!" She yelled. I yelled out loud in excitement, she jumped on me and kissed my face a ton. "We gotta tell everyone!" She said smiling. I nodded. We ran down the hall yelling. "We're pregnant! Everyone we're pregnant!" Juliet screamed loudly with tears streaming from her eyes. Angel rushed to us. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Angel said jumping around smiling. Juliet kissed my face a bunch. I smiled at her. "I love you so much Daddy" she said blushing. "I love you too my precious little girl." I replied. Gosh my little angel is adorable. I said smiling. I walked back to the room with Juliet still around my waist. She was blushing and hiding her face.
"Excited princess?" I asked and she nodded. "Me too" I added. Juliet is the love of my life. I met her, we got married and no we're gunna start a family. Juliet was the love of my life and she will always be. Juliet and I were one, and it was excited to think that a life that we both created was now in the process of growing within her womb. Its was going to be our child. We would raise our child and grow old together.

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