❤Chapter 13❤

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I woke up from my nap and called out for Dante. No response. Hm I wonder where he's at. I stood up from bed and walked to Dantes room. I knocked softly on the door. "Hey cupcake, he went to work. You're not going to find him anywhere." Daniel said across the hall startling me. He smirked at me. Woah he had a few peircing I really hadn't noticed before. One on his bottom lip and two next to each other on his eyebrow.
"What am I suppose to do while Dantes gone?" I asked curiously walking up to Daniel. He patted the top of my head and smiled "well you got an Xbox one in your room. Wanna play a game with me. Fair warning if its a vs match I won't go easy on you." Aye video games was a good idea it could kill time until Dante got home. I ran into my room turning on the console. "What game you going to play princess? Cooking momma, a Disney game perhaps?" He teased poking my cheek.
I shoved the game Mortal Kombat X in the console "so rude. We can just play this until you realize I game better then you." I said sticking my tongue out at him.
We sat on the floor in front the tv the entire time. We played for hours. Of course I played with Ferra & Torr while Daniel kept switching characters everytime he lost. "Ah!forget these games!" He said slamming the controller.Victory. I began to think, why did he always seem to have so much freetime off.
I crawled towards him. "Daniel? Why are you here anyway. You never seem to do any work in the house" I asked curiously. He looked at me and his expression changed from annoyed from the game to a somewhat sad tone. "Well...when I was younger I was spoiled. Dante and I were best friends back then too. I got spoiled with anything I wanted, except for what I needed the most, love. So I eventually moved out stayed with Dante in an apartment and helped him start up his own business. So now I just help around the house from time to time, mostly helping Angel." I pouted at his life story. Was that the reason he was such a player? Because he was yearning for the love from others. I tried to get my mind off the story. "Hey I heard the tickle monsters comming to town."
Daniel instantly knew what I was planning so he tackled me down and tickled me. I kicked my legs and laughed. "Stop stop stop!" He pinned my hands down with one hand and tickled me more. "Get off Juliet!" I heard a stern voice say. Uh oh it was Dante. I hadn't even heard him walk in. Daniel stopped tickling and stepped back. I got tears in my eyes, I didn't want Daniel to get in trouble because of me. I looked up at Dante, his jaw was clentched. He only did that when he was frustrated yet it was beyond attractive to me.
"Daddy don't be mad at Daniel. It wasn't his fault. He didn't do nothing bad." I said holding back tears. Dantes expression softened and he went to pick me up. He held me in his arms "Oh no princess please don't cry. Dont worry daddy won't make him be in trouble just stop crying. Daddy was just jealous" he whispered hugging me tight. I heard my room door slowly creak, Daniel must be sneaking off. "Daddy I love you, you don't have to be jelly" I said softly. He looked down at me in his arms "I love you too princess, I'm sorry if I seemed to aggressive but you're mine and I don't ever want to lose you to someone else." AWW how cute.
Dante sat on the bed and set me on his lap. He was holding me so tight. I guess he felt really bad for making me cry. "I am calling you Daddy from now on. Okay?" I said trying to cheer him up. He kissed my forehead making me blush "alright princess." this is a big step in our relationship yet I didn't know what we were. "Daddy what does this make us now? Are we dating or...." I asked twiddling my thumbs. "I guess you could say we're dating. Do you need me to take you on a date to prove it baby girl?" He said with a chuckle. Omg a date?! That would be so amazing. I would get to write about it in my diary! Yay. I nodded quickly "yes please can we go on a date. I'll be the best princess in the world if we go on one."
He patted my head and kissed my cheek "alright we will go on a date. I already have the perfect planned date princess. Tomorrow morning okay? Because right now daddy is tired from work." He said and I nodded. I lead daddy to his room and he laid down. I was to excited so I crawled on his bed and sat on his lap. "Since you already have it planned. Where are we going to go? Is it going to be fun? What will I wear?" I asked continuing on with many questions. Daddy just chuckled "its a surprise baby girl you have to wait." Dang it. I hate surprises. I bounced on his lap trying to annoy him enough to finally give me an answer to my questions but he was to tired. He just grabbed me and pulled me down to lay on his chest.
"Cuddle time princess" he said trying to hush me. No no no. I knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to make me sleepy. "Daddy today was fun, but I missed you a ton after my nap" I tried to continue talking but Daddy had been tracing his finger up and down my spine under my shirt while humming. It was super relaxing and I felt my eyes getting heavy. Oh no sleepiness. I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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