Chapter 18

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I woke up early in my study. I was tired and tried to get a bit more paper work done. I sat up finishing up signing contracts that I read the night before and finnally got up from my desk. I went to my room and hopped in the shower. My hair was drenched in water by the time I was done. I went to my closet and put on some boxer and some joggers. I was to lazy to get completely dressed. I walked through the halls and heard the giggling that I heard multiple times throughout the night. I opened Juliet and there was the two of them. They were giggling and playing a game on the iPad."Are either of you hungry? You know I make some good pancakes if either of you want some." I said softly, trying to reassure them that I wasn't still angry from last night. They both nodded in agreement and got off the bed.
I walked down the stairs with both of them. I could tell Juliet was in deep little space because she was sucking on her pacifier that I bought for her. She is so cute. I sat both Bubba and Juliet at the dinning table and began making pancakes. I heard a plop from Juliet so I know she must've taken out her pacifier from her mouth. "Daddy can we get chocolate milk?" Juliet said twisting a stand of hair around her finger. Instantly I heard Sebastian's voice "I'll get the milk prepared for you two." He said in a polite tone. Damn, I need to give him a raise, he's like a wizard or something.
I finished up the pancakes and put them on a spiderman and Rapunzel plate. I handed it to both of them. "I like Rapunzel." I heard Bubba say in a hushed tone. Juliet smiled and switched plates with him so he could have the Rapunzel plate. Aw my princess is such a nice friend. They began devouring the pancakes. I got a few wet wipes because I could already tell that their face would be a mess by the time they are through. They looked up at me as they finished the food. I wiped Bubbas mouth and fingers that were covered in syrup. I cleaned Juliet's face completely.
My phone began to ring "Mr.knight speaking." I said sternly in case is was work calling. "Oh Dante, its me Jeanette I just wanted to call to let you know I'll be picking up Bubba soon." I heard over the phone. "Alright, but I need to talk to you when you get here." I said hanging up the phone.
"Bubba pack up your clothes. Your mommy is coming to get you soon, alright?" I said calling out to Bubba. I saw him nod from the corner of my eye. Bubba walked past me to go upstairs with Juliet slowly following him. I grabbed Juliet by her wrist and pulled her back. "Don't think I forgot about your punishment little one." I said whispering in her ear. She was blushing a ton and skipped off with Bubba.
Bubba had everything packed then came downstairs. Juliet and him were talking for a while. Then a knock at the door began. I opened the door and was greeted with a hug from Jeanette. "Thanks so much Dante, Bubba was on his best behavior right?" She said looking up at me. "Well, about that, we need to talk." I said walking out the front door motioning me to follow so Bubba and Juliet couldn't hear our conversation. I closed the door behind her. "Last night Bubba and Juliet had a specific bedtime set which was 11 o'clock yet they finally went to bed at around 1 in the morning. I don't know if Bubba is used to a bedtime but in my house that's how it works." I said leaning my back on the door.
"Oh my goodness well when Bubba gets home he will be getting a stern lecture and a punishment. Thanks for telling me Dante." She said crossing her arms. I coughed "um about punishments. Lately Juliet's been acting up a bit and the only punishment I gave her she liked. So is there anyway punishments you think would work for Juliet?" I said looking at Jeanette curiously. She smiled "Just make any punishments you feel would get her in order. I recommend sentences, time outs or even an essay for Juliet, of courses there's OTHER kinds of punishments but that all depends on what kind of little Juliet is." She said with a sly smile. I opened the door and Bubba walked out hugging Juliet. They said their goodbyes and Bubba left. Time for Juliet's punishment.
Juliet looked up at me innocently. "Baby girl I'm not going to punish you so bad but I need you to have a consequences. So I want an essay on how you will try better to follow rules, punishments you want and you allow me to enforce, alright?" I said sternly and Juliet nodded running to her room. "Juliet! Write the punishments separately from the essay" I called after her. I walked to her room and she was already writing I sat on her bed waiting for Juliet to finish. It took about half an hour to finally finish her essay and rules. "Finished Daddy!" Juliet said running to me with a paper. I read over the whole paragraph seeing how sorry she was and how she would try to follow the rules in the future.
I pulled Juliet on my lap and kissed her. "Juliet thanks for the apology in the essay. It means a lot. Now let's see the punishments you wrote down okay?" I asked Juliet curiously and she nodded excitedly. She wrote:

•subtraction of sweets
•time out
•taking away toys
•taking away stuffie
•grounded from TV and computer
•no bedtime story
•spanking with paddle or belt
•taking away coloring book
•others Daddy chooses

I looked at her and smiled "good job princess! I'm proud you took the time to actually write this. Um princess what do you mean by daddy's chooses?" I asked smirking. "Any other punishment daddy wants silly." She said looking up at me with her big eyes. I picked her up and walked downstairs. "Want TV time?" I asked and she nodded a ton.

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