❤chapter 42❤

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Before I walked down the isle my father looked at me in the eyes. "Juliet, you make me so proud. Even though I'm giving my daughter away to another man, remember I'm still your dad, and you always have a place in our family. By the way, your mother said she wants grandchildren, you ready Juliet?" He said. My heart was racing. Tears started in my eyes and I hugged my dad tight. "Thank you for everything you did for me. I'm ready, let's go." I replied. I took a deep breath, the music already started playing for me. I stood at the end of the isle. Everyone turned to stare at me. I looked at everyone nervously. My dad patted my hand "it'll be alright, just walk" he whispered to me. My neice was the flower girl, throwing petals in front of me while holding bubbas hand. He was blushing because he had just realized we had choosen him to be the ring bearer.
I walked down the isle smiling. Dante had tears in his eyes. One ran down his cheek and he quickly brushed it away with his thumb. I walked closer and closer. Angel wanting me to obviously hurry because her large smile and head motioned for me to pick up my pace. Gosh she was such a dork, but I love her. I love Dante. More than anything. He's my life. My eternity. My future. We finally got to the end of the isle, my father kissed my hand and walked back to his seat. My mothers make up running down her face crying with a smile. She was exactly like this at my sisters wedding. I stepped on the stage and stood on my side. Dante looked into my eyes, his sight was filled with tears. I started crying too. The priest started speaking. His words were mumbled to me. I was only focusing on Dante. His mouth turned to a smile as he said those precious words "I do." I was lost in a trance at this moment. It seemed the world had faded away and I was only with Dante. "Juliet, uh Juliet this is the time to say I do" the priest said. I looked around confused "huh?" I asked. Which gained a laugh from everyone in the chapel. I stuttered "oh OH, yes I do, for sure, absolutely. " I said which gained another laugh. Gosh can't wait to see my awkward self of the wedding video recording.
It was now time for our vows.
"I dante, take you Juliet to be my wife. To cherish you through your worst and best times. To comfort you in sickness in health. To spoil you like the princess you are. From this day forward it will be my duty to bring a smile to your face each morning and a kiss upon your forehead each night. I'm in love with you Juliet. From now until eternity." He said. I could hear my mother wailing "its so beautiful!" She yelled. My father tried to hush her the best he could. It was time for my vows. Gosh mine weren't as romantic.
"I juliet, take you Dante to my totally awesome husband. I promise to kiss and hug you everyday. To show my childish side to you every time you're down or even when you're happy. To be a nurse to you if you are ever ill, and love you at your health. Basically I will love you forever and always. I will be your own personal cheerleader at your worst and best times because as long as I am with you. I'm happy." I finished. Dante smile grew larger. "Well you may now present the rings to the couple, Bubbs" the priest said. Bubba came to us with a pillow in each hand, he bowed his head. we each took our ring and placed it on the others hand, Dante gently placed mine onto my finger. He smile stayed large. "You may kiss the bride" the priest had added after the rings were properly placed on either of our fingers. Dante didn't hesitate even a bit, he swooped me up in his arms and kissed me. Little party canons bursted behind us, "my little touch to the wedding" Dante said proudly of the confetti cannons. Dante walked out the chapel with me in his arms. Everyone followed behind us "this is when you throw the flowers baby girl" daddy whispered in my ear. I tossed them behind me and checked to see who had caught it. It was Daniel. He looked shocked and shaked his head. Talk about scared of commitment. Angel hugged him tightly and he did a nervous laugh. We got into daddys limo. He sat me down and got inside along with me. "Was it just as you planned?" He asked me nervously hoping to get my approval. "It was perfect, I couldn't ask for anything better." I replied. He rolled down my window and pointed behind the trees, "3...2...1" he said counting down. Butterflies flew behind the chapel. Woah he was AWESOME! it looked so pretty to see all the butterflies roaming the sky on my wedding day. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Thank you." I said. He looked at me curiously. As if pondering what I would be oh so thankful for. "For what baby girl? I honestly haven't done anything all that special yet." He replied. "Thank you for being mine." I said. Today was a beautiful day. The day I married my now husband. I couldn't ask for anything more. This moment was bliss to me. I wanted to have this moment for the rest of my life

A/N thank you everyone for sticking with my story, hope everyone loved this chapter. If anyone wants me to continue please let me know. I will be delighted to continue as long as many people want me to, but if you rather the story end here. Please tell me that as well. Anyways once again, thank you!

Little PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora