❤chapter 52❤

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Dante held me in his arms as I fell asleep watching Disney movies. Today we had a Disney movie marathon full of popcorn,candy and soda but I started to get tired three movies in after watching Bambi. All I could remember was leaning my head against his chest listening to his gentle heartbeat as my eyes closed softly with the adorable image of Bambi and Thumper.Today I would be taken on a play date with my very best friend named Bubba, I might even have a fun sleepover at his house today. I kept dreaming of all the fun stuff I was waiting to happen.
I woke up to a delicious smell fluttering around my nose. It smelt like freshly baked cookies. WAIT! I know that smell anywhere. It was Sebastian's secret cookie recipe baking in the oven! Sebastian always made the best meals but his baking skills were top notch, no one could compare to his pure talent. I jumped up from the couch and rushed to the kitchen. "Cookies! Cookies! Cookies! Are they ready yet? Come on please be ready!" I said excitedly while stomping my feet joyfully. Sebastian chuckled "only but a few more minutes and they'll be perfect, be patient Juliet. Here have a look at them" he said as he flipped the oven light on to show the cookies. They always seemed to melt in your mouth with every bite. The smell of the baked good swarmed the house and I grew eager every second of waiting. Sebastian laid out little frosting packs, he always let me decorate the cookies in any way I would like which I thought was soooooo awesome of him to do.
I heard the ringing of a cooking alarm and I squealed. "Its done!" I yelled out got an oven mitt and swiftly put my hand inside. I opened the oven then pulled out a tray of warm delicious cookies and put them on the stove top. I got some frosting and started decorating them Alice in Wonderland themed. I put eat me on all the cookies and added little designs on all of them. "Could I bring some on my playdate with Bubba?" I squealed and sebastian nodded with a small smile. He got a small pink bag and put the try in the fridge for a bit so the frosting could harden on the yummy cookies. I had a big grin on my face. I was super excited to se Bubba and his mommy, they were some of the closest friends I ever had in all honesty.  I sat patiently in my room coloring in my coloring books until sebastian called for the cookie to be ready. "Juliet, get ready sweetheart" yelled Dante down the hall. I ran to my closet and pulled out my frilly grey skirt with my black skull shirt. I was going to look super tough and cool for this play date because I knew how Bubba was. He liked playing with trains, dinosaurs and fake guns, so I had to show that I'm just as strong as him.
My backpack with all my stuff was set in the living room. Daddy said I might sleep over if I ask Jeanne, Bubbas mommy, if I could sleep over at their house for the night. I pulled up my black knee socks and combat boots. I sprinted quickly down the  long stairs case as fast as I could and jumped off the third step. "I'm ready!" I shouted with a big smile. Sebastian handed me a small red bag full of the the icing topped cookies. I grinned happily as I skipped off to the car with Daddy following behind me with my backpack in his hand. I buckled my own seatbelt and kept a huge smile on my face.  "You must be very excited baby girl" He said while turning on the car.
Throughout the ride I was singing Melanie Martinez and hugging the cookie bag. I knew Bubba was going to absolutely love them. I tried to not hug the bag too tightly because I didn't want the cookies to small together and make a mess in the bag. I saw Bubbas house down the street "there, right there turn" I said pointing directly at Bubbas house, once Daddy parked I immediately jumped out the car. My knuckles knocked on the door several times before I was greated by Jeanne who gave me a huge hug and kissed my forehead. "Bubbas in his room playing with his trucks, if he tries to play aggressive just tell me, okay buttercup?" She said and I nodded. "Thank you" I replied while running down the small hallway. I would be playing in Bubbas room while Jeanne and Dante would be in the living room having boring mature talks.
I opened the door and was greated to an open fire of a Nerf gun being shot at me, I quickly ducked and tackled him. I grabbed the gun and shot him back while a small laugh. "Good work private, you trained well, but today we have a secret mission. First we need to gear you up" Bubba said. He was dressed in a fake S.W.A.T costume while a walkie talking in one hand and a Nerf gun in the other. Bubba rushed me to his closet and put me in a matching costume that fit a bit big on me but it was okay. He handed me a walkie talkie "if you get in trouble, use this, got it?" He said in a tough tone, I nodded trying not to giggle. He then put a Nerf gun in my hand and paced in his room. He started drawing on a small notebook, there were two crowns that symbolized us and to Os that symbolized our caregivers.
He explained the plan to me, we would rush from the room and hide under the kitchen counter. Bubba would then yell out that he was hungry and when they came to get us food, we would ambush them. I showed my bag full of cookies. "We need to eat before our super mega top secret mission to get our strengths up" I said. Bubba and I took a short snack break then we were off on our mission.

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