❤Chapter 48❤

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I stayed in bed twisting and turning. My head was pounding and I woke up in a panicked sweat. Daddy was holding onto my shoulders tightly. "Juliet, are you alright?" He said looking into my eyes. I nodded cautiously. I didn't even remember the nightmare I had. I felt my stomach, there was nothing to really feel but I had a heart wrenching feeling. What if I honestly wasn't ready to have a kid? Would I even be a good mother? How would I be able to balnace being a little and being a mother. I kissed Dantes cheek. He could what I  tell I was worried about. He kissed my cheek once again to let me feel more secure. "Can I go to the doctors?" I asked Dante and he nodded, getting me dressed and sitting me in the car. He drove the office and we sat in the waiting room. A girl with a huge stomach sat next to me. She looked exhausted. She looked at me then proceeded to rub her pregnant stomach which seemed like she was about to explode.
"How far along are you?" I  asked her, trying to show an interest. The smile on her face grew as she leaned back in her seat. "8 months, but its twins so double the trouble" she said with a loud laugh. I looked at her stomach in awe, life was being built within her. Two children she would be able to cherish for all of her days. "May I...can I feel?" I asked cautiously not knowing if that was an appropriate question to ask a pregnant stranger. She nodded and caressed my hand over her stomach. I felt a kick. Her eyes shimmered and her smile grew.  I kept feeling kicks. "Woah" I said under my breath. This was amazing this was truly  life being built.
"Juliet knight?" I heard a nurse say. I settled my hand to my side and got ready. Dante walked with me. He kissed my cheek. "Well Juliet it says that you want to take a pregnancy test, you'll have to come back here every couple of weeks to check on the health of the child." She said while leading us down the hall to a secluded room. She motioned to sit on a table which had a gown placed on it. "Feel free to to get changed into that, we'll need to run a few test." She added before walking out the room.
Daddy got me dressed and kissed my forehead before handing me a cup. "I believe this is for you." He chuckled. I blushed. This is so embarressing. There was a bathroom in room. I know I'd be using that very soon. The nurse walked back into the room and motioned me to sit down, I did.
She got a clipboard from the table."before we do the test, we have a few questions for you."  She started off and I nodded, showing that I understood. "Do you drink? Do you smoke? If so how often." She said. "Neither, never." I replied. Daddy smiled at me. I was his little good girl. Okay next question. "Do you have any family illnesses that could be passed down?" She continued.I thought for a moment. "Um my grandfather on my farthers side had diabetes. I think that's all I can recall really." I replied once again. She wrote on the clipboard. "We need him to leave the room for these questions unless you'd want him to stay." She said motioning to daddy. Before I could speak he stood up and walked out. I was puzzled. What questions were going to be asked.
"Are you dealing with any form of abuse that could be life threatening to you or the child?" She asked. I nearly jumped out my seat. "No way, Dante treats me perfectly, no abuse at all." I replied. "Do you take any drugs? Prescription or not?" She continued while looking up from her clipboard.I shook my head. Next question. "Did you deal with any disorder of any kind. Or had any health issues in the past year that led you to be hospitalized?" She said. I shuffled with my thumbs nervously. I remember when I had the eating disorder. "Just one...when I..." I began. A few more questions were asked. Daddy returned. I filled the cup. Then the nurse went to test it. Daddy looked at me smiling. "I'm going to have to put you on special vitamins so the baby and you grow up  big and strong." He said while I nodded happily.
We waited and waited after a while the results came in "well Juliet you're going to need to come back every few weeks cuz you're definitely pregnant. Congratulations. " she said and I smiled. Daddy then took me home and we walked around the room. "Well what do we do now, I've never done this before." I giggled and daddy chuckled and kissed my forehead gently.

2 months later

I was already two months pregnant. Daddy and I decided to start planning the room, it was going to be winnie the pooh just in case it was a boy or girl. The room was going to be the small room upstairs next to Sebastian's room. Daddy has been feeding me vitamins every morning and we went to the doctors office. I've been researching what things to eat and do in order to have a healthy pregnancy so I've been eating right and excersising moderately. The nurse has said if I kept this up I'd be in perfect shape by the time I actually became a mother. Everyone was excited. Especially the god mom, Angel, she's been pampering me nonstop. "Hows my princess doing?" Dante asked while I laid in bed enjoying a bowl of cookie dough ice cream, I smiled big. "She's doing just fine." I replied. He chuckled. For the past few weeks he told me how excited he was to be a dad and how he'd be the best dad in the whole wide world.in which I replied "you already are the best daddy."

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