Chapter 1 Heartless

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Chapter 1: Heartless

Jonah's POV

"Just please tell me where you're going!" My sister pleaded. I couldn't tell her where I was going or what I'll be doing.

"No, Emery stop it!" I yelled at her. I wasn't really angry with her, I'm just frustrated to what will be going down tonight. I get what position she's in, if she was going somewhere without telling me I would be doing what she's doing now.

"Jonah, you've been sneaking out late at night without telling me, if you're doing drugs just tell me!"

"What! No, nothing like that, I just have to take care of something, I promise this will be the last time I'll be going out late at night," I promised her.

What she doesn't know is what I actually mean by that; it might be the last night of my life. Thinking about how this is the last time I'll see her or she'll see me, I turn around and put both my hands on her shoulders.

"Emery just know that I love you no matter what and nothing will change that," I assure her. She looks at me with glassy eyes upon hearing my statement.

"Jonah, now you're scaring me," she breathes out.

"Don't be scared, never be scared no matter what, you are strong and don't let anybody tell you the opposite," I encourage her. I want to give her the best life possible even if I won't be in it.

"Jonah, just please tell me what's going on?" She questions trying to hold back her sobs. I take one good look at her, capturing her face in my memory I turn away and make my way towards the door.

"All you need to know is that I'm doing this for you Emery," saying my final words, I open the door quickly and slam it shut before she can protest.

I know I'm making the worst decision of my life but I'm doing it for her. I want to give her a better life than this; I already failed at giving her the best.


I pulled up behind the Blackdale Valley Bar and pat my gun laying next to me, thinking that my actions might get me killed but I have to do it. Once I get out from my car , I lift the back of my shirt up and stuff the gun halfway down my pants.

I walk towards a shadow leaning up against the only lamppost lighting the alley up. I stop in my tracks when the shadow starts turning around, making its way towards me only to reveal that the shadow has no face.

"Jonah, have you done what I asked?" The shadow questions innocently.

They're anything but that.

"You mean murder somebody? Of course not," I replied.

"Shame," the shadow clicks their tongue. It looks up at me and still, no face visible. "I think you know what happens now," it taunts.

"Enough, you've had me most nights doing errands for you. And for what? I haven't done anything, I am not indebted to you. What is this all about?" I plead. I don't even know who I'm talking to, all I know is this person shows up one night at the bar I work at and threaten my sister's life had I not done what was asked of me.

I would've called their bluff had they not shown me every detail of my sister's life in one manila envelope with recent pictures she obviously didn't know were taken of her.

"You should've just done what you were told to do."

"That, I would never do," I confirm.

The shadow huffs. "It's okay, your sister makes a nice replacement."

"I would never kill my sister!" This person is insane. I can't believe this is happening to me.

"Who said you were going to do it? I told you if you slipped up just once, she's gone."

"Please, I came here to offer my life for hers, just don't touch her please," I cried.

"Touching, but no, I want her."

Something clicked in my head.

"Was this all about her?" I question.

The shadow stays quiet, so I assume I'm right.

"But why? She hasn't done anything," this makes no sense.

The figure suddenly loses their composure and their body language reeks of anger as they pull out their gun.

I hear a click. "Only for you to say."

"Be safe, Emery," I whisper. I put my head down knowing I've failed her. I suddenly pull out my gun, refusing to die without some form of resistance against this.

Too late.

I hear a gunshot.

And then I can't.

I go deaf and my sight becomes blurry when I fall to the ground laying my hand over my chest where they shot at.

All my senses come back when I feel the unbearable pain but they quickly go away as fast as they came as I slowly close my eyes.

The last thing I thought of was Emery when I last saw her with her glassy eyes begging me to stay.

I'm so sorry, Emery.

Hey wattpaders!

Thanks for taking a chance on my book, I hope you enjoyed it!


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