Chapter 8 She needs a doctor, Not you

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Chapter 8: She needs a doctor, Not you

I changed Raiden's car to a green Challenger Hellcat which you'll see on the side. I also added a song that goes well with the car chase. Hope you guys like it!

Raiden's POV

"Close the gates!" I shout at the guards before she can leave. I don't care if my Lamborghini crashes into the gates! She will not escape!

I hear the creaking of the gates and start to relax knowing she won't be able to go anywhere now. But it seems like my prediction turned out to be wrong when she unexpectedly speeds up the car and passes the gates with ease.

"Dang it!" I yelled.

"Dalton get the car keys to my challenger now!" I shout at Dalton, the guy that Emery had just kicked in the knee.

He ran or at least tried while limping to go get my car keys. Once he gets back I run to him, tired of waiting and snatch the keys from his hand while running to my green Challenger Hellcat. I start the engine and roll down my window when I see Duncan running my way.

"Load guards up in the Escalade's, and have them follow behind me," I quickly say to him before going through the gates and turning left knowing which way she went.

I look to my right and see the speed limit sign and look to my left to see no cars around, I then go way over the speed limit trying to catch up to my dark blue Lamborghini Aventador.

I finally spot my car driving slowly, going exactly the speed limit.

I look in her side mirror and see her face looking straight until she suddenly looks at the review mirror and spots me looking straight at her.

She then goes into panic mode and that's when I spot the Escalade's behind me.

I smirk knowing that she can't get away now. She starts to speed up much faster than what she was doing before.

I move to the left lane lining my car up with my Lamborghini, then I roll my window down while she rolls hers down halfway.

"Emery pull over now! If you pull over now I will lessen your punishment!" I shout negotiating with her.

She scoffs and revs the car up to go faster, way to fast that she won't be able to see where the turn up ahead is. She's not familiar with this road if she doesn't make that turn she'll end up in the lake that's straight ahead which is guarded by a not so sturdy fence.

She could possibly die if she doesn't take that turn.

"Emery! Emery stop, you're going to fast!" I shout with my head out the window.

She's getting closer and there's no sign that she will turn in time.

An Escalade comes up to my right and the window rolls down. I can see Duncan in the passenger seat wanting to talk to me.

"What is she doing?!" Duncan questioned.

I didn't have time to answer him when Emery suddenly sees the turn and tries to sharply take it. Unfortunately I heard the horrific sound of screeching tires meaning she didn't succeed in taking that turn.

I look away from Duncan and look straight to see my dark blue Lamborghini still going straight downhill.

What did she do!

All the cars stop including mine at the top of the hill. I get out quickly and slam the door shut just in time to see my car do multiple flips and landing in the lake upside down.

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