Chapter 25 R.W. Revealed

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Chapter 25: R.W. Revealed 

Emery's POV

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The voice was difficult to identify. I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. 

Is it Delilah? 

The answer to this question still hasn't reached my thought process yet, for the man/woman yanked my mane upwards, until my feet touched the ground.

I held my hair to prevent the burning in my scalp from the strands of hair being pulled out. Either this is a man, or this women is really buff. 

"Stop!" Farrah screamed at seeing this sight. 

"Don't you dare touch her," Mackenzie shouted as she stomped her feet down, hoping to free herself from the restraints. 

That's when we both noticed it. 

The bright red rope that was once tightened around her ankles, has now loosened from it's knot. 

I see it, she feels it. 

She stays quiet after that, contemplating her next plan of action. I knew she'd never betray this gang. 

Holding both my arms to my back, the unwanted psychopath says, "This is what's supposed to happen."

The sting from a sharp needle can be easily mistaken for a bee sting. 

A flash of red meets my eyes before my sight becomes wary. Black dots clouded by eyes one by one, it's painfully slow. 

"There you go, all better! Well for me anyways," the voice laughs at my almost unconscious state.!

It can't be! 

R.W. is right here, kidnapping me!


Help...Mackenzie, Farrah...and Jonah!

Help me.

The last black dot has engulfed my entire eye sight as I fell into the dream world. 

The dream world that contains my brother. 


Who is R.W? 

Is it Delilah? Was she the same person that took me here? 

Is Delilah some sort of ally to R.W? 

But why?

Wearing all black can confuse a person, for sure. Is it the same person under it? Or an entire gang behind this?

This whole thing has everything to do with Kenneth! That's the reason Farrah is here. Will R.W. plan on killing her, like how she's planning on killing me. 

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