Chapter 19 Reality wormed its way into my brain

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Chapter 19: Reality wormed its way into my brain

Emery's POV

"I'm your real brother Emery."

My face shows no emotion as I process his words. I stare at him dumbfounded as he stares at me waiting for my reaction.

"What? No, no that can't be true!" I yell while standing up from the bench. I won't believe what he has to say. Jonah is my brother, my real brother.

"Why would I be lying? Emery look at yourself, your beautiful red hair and green eyes. Haven't you ever thought why Jonah looks nothing like you? With black hair and blue eyes," he explains while standing up and walking towards me.

"He doesn't have to look like me to be my brother!" I shout. How dare he comes up to me and freaking tells me the man I loved and called my brother for my entire life is now not my brother.

"But he should resemble your parents. Your mother has light red hair and hazel eyes. While your father has sandy blonde hair and green eyes. How is it possible that Jonah has dark hair and blue eyes," he states, giving me all the facts.

"Don't you dare talk about my family! And don't you ever dare come here and say that my dead brother isn't my brother!" I scream not even acknowledging his last statement.

He looks up at the sun and walks out from the gazebo as he stands in the sun. "Look at me Emery, just look," he pleads. I stare at the ground for three more seconds as I look up and glance at him.

I take closer steps towards him as I see the sun hitting his blonde hair. The tinges of red comes in and mixes with his blonde hair, like highlights. I look down his face and see my mother's eyes, her beautiful hazel eyes. I look down further and see my dads nose, his pointy yet sturdy nose.

An image of Jonah flashes through my mind. His dark brown, almost black, hair falling over his warm blue eyes. I remember Jonah as I look at River, trying to compare the two.

River's right.

Jonah looks nothing like my parents and I. How did I not notice this earlier. I look down at my feet as I realize something I was trying so hard not to believe.

River is my biological brother.

River now looking at my face, walks over and sits back on the bench. I stand there, leaning against the banister. He knows that I know.

"It all happened a year ago, when I was helping my dad build a fence. I was cutting the wood when the electric saw went haywire, cutting deep into my arm. I lost a lot of blood once I got to the hospital.
My dad offered his blood to the doctor. Once the doctor took his blood they ran blood tests on his and figured out we weren't a match. My father got upset and asked my mother why we weren't a match. He assumed she had an affair and that he's not my real father. She was then asked to take a blood test which wasn't a match either. So neither of my parents were actually my parents. The doctor then asked if I was adopted which my parents answered no. He then explained that I could've been switched at birth. Once I heard everything I started my hunt to find my real family." He told while playing with his fingers as he explains further.

"You don't need to hear the boring details on how I found you, the good thing is that I did. The day that I saved your life was the day I finally tracked you down. I was following you guys until you reached your house so I can tell you everything. But that wasn't the case." He continued as a tear slips his eye jut remembering that horrific scene.

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