Chapter 18 Caution tape around my heart

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Attention: In my authors note in chapter 16 I totally forgot to put Delilah in the RW suspect cross-off list. I have just fixed that problem. I didn't want anyone to suspect Delilah just because I forgot to put her on the list.

Chapter 18: Caution tape around my heart

Emery's POV

I lied.

I loved the kiss. I just didn't love it coming from my brother's killer.

So 2 hours later I'm still down here after Raiden left when Pierce finally unlocked the door because he dropped his keys while trying to get Raiden's phone.

I don't know why Raiden kissed me, I mean he has a girlfriend but I guess he doesn't care about that. I admit, I do feel attraction towards Raiden but it can never happen. I've done the pros and cons list in my head and right now the cons list is overpowering the pros list.

I think anyone can guess what's first on the cons list. I just wish to leave this place without anything or anyone tying me down. The only thing tying me down from escaping right now is the knot in my back.

I'm surprised I'm not paralyzed...yet.

Casey's physical therapy has actually been working for me. I slowly push myself off the couch as I walk towards the small bedroom. My back doesn't even hurt anymore, it just aches. If I get out of here I need one hell of a back massage.

But back to Raiden, I feel like I'd be betraying my brother if I were to ever...

Like him.

I just can't imagine doing that to him even though he's not here, I'm honoring him.

Before I can lay back on the lumpy bed, the door slams open, literally knocking it off its hinges. I poke my head out of the room and see its Raiden with Kade following behind him. They both have blank expressions on their faces so I can't tell if this is bad or good news for me.

Once they successfully stand in front of me, Raiden speaks up first.

"Emery...We just watched the tape from cell 23 and now I know...."

Raiden's POV

"Can't it reboot faster!" I complained as I sat in my office chair, waiting for the computer to load the recording. Kade turns my laptop around so it faces him and presses a few keys before turning it back over to me.

Finally, the recording of cell 23 appears. Ever since I kissed Emery, I wanted this recording to prove her innocence, even though she pushed me away and yelled at me. I watch carefully as the deleted 10 minutes of the tape plays.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I see Emery sleeping in the bottom bunk, hugging her pillow tightly. My breathe of air soon hitches once I see a figure unlocking the cell door as it walks in. Now thinking its a guard I look closely and realize this figure isn't very well built.

And all my men are very well built.

Once the figure kneels down in front of the wardrobe I automatically realize it's a women. The way she bended down to open the wardrobe was so.... Girl-ish.

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