Chapter 21 I still have thousands of reasons to hate you

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Chapter 21: I still have thousands of reasons to hate you

Emery's POV

"Why do you keep trying to leave me?" he pleadingly questions as he pulls away from the kiss. Why do I suddenly feel bad? This is what I wanted, I wanted to run away, to be free from this place. Why do I now feel relieved that he caught me?

"You killed my brother, Raiden," I answered. But I don't know if that's the full truth. Of course I'm running away because he murdered the only person who cared for me after the accident. But I know there's something else I'm running from, I just can't figure out what that something is.

"No I didn't, Emery. I didn't kill your brother because he's still alive," he exclaims happily.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned already knowing the answer. My only question is, how did he figure it out?

"I found the file, I know River's your brother," he replied. That file was probably what fell out of my backpack. I just don't understand why he's so happy on figuring this out.

"Emery, don't you get it? You still have a brother, there's nothing you can hold over me anymore," he explains. Wait, does he think just because he didn't kill my brother, there's no reason to hate him? Sure, maybe he didn't kill my brother but he still killed someone that I have loved my whole life. Jonah is still my brother, just not my blood related brother.

"That doesn't mean you didn't kill the most important person in my life! That doesn't mean you can get away with what you've done to me. I still have thousands of reasons to hate you," I angrily scream back at him. I can't believe he thought I wouldn't hate him. If he hadn't noticed, I still ran away after I found out.

"You're the one that doesn't get it. Jonah was my brother, no matter what that file says!" I try to get away from him as I try to climb down this godforsaken tree. But his hands on my waist keep me rooted to this tree. Get it, rooted to this tree! Now Emery, this isn't a time for a pun joke.

"But we can start over!" he exclaims furiously.

"Start what over? There's nothing to start over, the damage is done. What do you want from me?!" I yelled. I think we're way passed me telling someone about this entire kidnapping. Why can't he just let me go?

"I want you! Why can't you see that?" he demands. I can't even comprehend his words, I don't want to. This can't be happening. But I know exactly the reason as to why I've never noticed this before.

"Maybe because all you do is torture me, Raiden," with that said I successfully jump off the branch onto the other one down below. Soon enough I've climbed down the entire tree, leaving him to ponder in his own thoughts.

Everyone hearing the conversation, they leave me be. I just walk. There's nothing to think about anymore, I feel absolutely nothing. I feel as if it's not my feet that's walking me. I feel like I'm so deep inside my brain that I don't notice any of my surroundings.

That is until I heard a gunshot.

My ears go on high alert as I try to comprehend where it came from. My eyes close as I sigh deeply once I realized the gunshot came from behind me. I dreaded to go back but I know Raiden and his men weren't shooting at each other.

They must be shooting at River and Keith.

All the doubt of turning back washes away from my mind as I run back, hoping that I'll get there in time.

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