Chapter 14 Speak of the devil and she shall appear

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Chapter 14: Speak of the devil and it shall appear

Emery's POV

"Why do we have to set up so early?" I whined, rubbing my eyes as I ride down the elevator with Harley.

"Because the party starts at noon, which means we have exactly six hours to set up, sweetheart," Harley explained.

"How long does it take to prepare and make food?" I asked thinking it shouldn't take that long to cook food for the party.

"Honey, did I forget to mention that it's a ball? The food we'll be making has to feed 300 people," she corrected innocently. Wait.......Did she literally say a ball?!

"A ball?! Where will this ball be taking place, huh?" I questioned incredulously. "Technically, it's a birthday gala. Don't say ball, it's too Cinderella like," she corrected. "And as for your question, in this mansion, silly," she waved it off like it was no big deal.

"I don't care, ball or gala, it's still the same to me. I would also like to see this gala that you think will fit 300 people," I opinionated using air quotation marks with my fore and middle fingers.

"It's right this way, dear," she took a left and started her way down to the other side of the house that I have yet to explore. Once she took her last turn I saw it, I saw two big double doors that were being kept open by door stoppers.

Standing in the hallway I could already tell that the room was ginormous. Once we stepped on the white tile floor I saw a camera crew setting up near the lighting. There were also caterers setting up the large table, putting large metal trays down which has yet to be filled with food.

I let my jaw drop as I stand and stare in awe. Large round tables were already set with candle like centerpieces, mini trees were set here and there in between tables. More than ten large crystal chandeliers were hung on the tall ceiling. I looked forward and saw a long rectangular table which was meant for the birthday boy and his closest peers.

Harley clapped her hands and shouted in the large room. "This looks phenomenal! Keep up the great work, dearies!" She thanked the massive amount of people setting up every inch of this room.

Harley turned to me and smiled. "Now you see why we need to start making the appetizers, entrees, and platters right away!" She ushered me out of the room dragging me to the kitchen.

"Okay so this kitchen isn't big enough to fit 300 meals, so as you saw the photographers, there is a door behind them which leads to multiple ovens and refrigerators. So once we're done making some dishes I need you to wrap 'em in aluminum foil and bring them to that room, got it?" She huffed as she explained the whole situation to me.

"Yes ma'am," I assured her as I saw multiple food already laid out and prepared. "Let's get started, shall we?"


5 hours later:

"Oh my god! That was the fastest my hands have ever moved, I should be on a reality show. I'll call it, marathon chefs!" Harley excitedly exclaimed as I put the last tray of cannolis' in the oven. I looked at Harley as she had flour and cake batter all over her, I sniffled a laugh as I looked at her.

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