Chapter 27 I'm Only In It For The Drugs

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Uh....are you okay?

Did you just click on a chapter to a book that I've ignored for almost a year now?

Yeah, I can see how you might doubt me now, but I've got my reasons! 

School is a great reason why I didn't write for a while, right? Yeah sure. 

But didn't I have summer off, why not write then? To be honest...I was embarrassed over this book, I'm in a new grade and re-reading my book was the cringiest thing I've ever endured. I knew, well I know, that this book needs some reconstructing. 

DO NOT worry. This is still a chapter, let me just go over some things. 

(I mean, I was gone for almost a year...)

I will start reconstructing after this chapter because I believe it's just minor details I need to cover. Like add more suspense scenes instead of confusing ones. 

Honestly since I'm writing this chapter I need to know what happen last, so I was shocked when I read scenes I don't remember writing...I would put a laughing emoji, but I'm on a computer so XD XD XD... 

SO, since I find this book really rushed, I will be cutting the chapters in half! 

"Can she do that?" Said random person. 

"Aren't they short enough already?" Snorted random person. 

They will only be a little bit shorter with more details, I mean that seems much better than what I've previously done. (Try to make it seem longer with stupid, unwanted, and prolonged sentences.) 


I know reconstructing seems like an annoyed process for you guys to endure unwanted updates, I know, I hate them too.  

That is why I will release them all at once! 

I know! It'll be like a whole new book! 

Now, bear with me, I still have school. 

Actually I'm supposed to be doing it now...Oh, don't I have a lot of work to do...


Chapter 27: I'm Only In It For The Drugs

Emery's POV 

"You're sick." I murmured. What else do I say? How can a human being even comprehend that? She killed her 'lover'and his wife, raised their child, and married a pervert. 

"Oh, I'm not sick deary. The only thing I'm sick of is everyone ignoring the real problem here," she pointed at me whilst mouthing the word 'you'.   

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