Chapter 29 I've Got a Pretty F'ed Up Life

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Thanks for the great feedback on the last chapter.

And as promised,

Chapter 29: I've Got a Pretty F'ed Up Life


He breathed out a sigh of relief. "We have to go Emery, now!" I stood without question, wiping away my forgotten tears.

I ran towards him, almost doubtful that he could even be alive, standing in front of me at this very moment.

He grabbed onto my arm as I looked into his eyes.

There was no doubt.

It was him.

"H-How..?" I stuttered.

So many questions formed in my head after that single word. How are you alive? How did you find me? How come you didn't get me sooner?

We ran out and down the stairs, I'm surprised I was still standing given the fact how many steps I skipped.

"W-What's going on?" I question, still in shock.

"It's time to finally get you out of here."


More questions.

We skidded through the corridor as Jonah started leading me away from the main entrance.

He was leading me towards the garden.

Well, until the big double front doors were slammed open, like a herd had just come through.


"Don't look back." Jonah had whispered.

That was Raiden's voice calling my name. I wanted to turn back.

But, I listened to my brother.

Jonah was stiff as he was almost hurriedly walking us towards the back doors.

We then abruptly stopped as we heard a set of gun clicks.

"Turn the f*ck around." Raiden demanded.

We did as we were told, slowly.

I saw his entire gang behind him holding up guns, including Mackenzie.

Raiden lowered his gun a bit as he saw who stood right beside me.

"Not possible." He spoke after more than a minute of looking at us.

"..Emery, come here."

I didn't move. There was no way I was gonna leave my brother's side. But part of me wanted to reassure Raiden.

Why hadn't he put the gun down?

This is my brother.

"Now, that's one thing I'm not gonna let happen." Jonah put his left arm out in front of me as he pushed me back a little. He then proceeds to hold out a gun of his own on the opposite hand.

I gasped. "What're you doing?"

I had never seen my brother in this light before. He didn't look like himself.

"What're all of you doing?!" Nobody made a move to lower their guns, they were in a stand off.

"I killed him, Emery! I killed him! This could all be apart of RW's plan!" Raiden yelled.

"All apart of Harley's plan," his voice lowered noticeably.

He knows.

He sounded broken.

I suddenly felt nervous. If he's upset about the identity of RW, I'm scared to know if he found out about her death that happened minutes prior.

"He could be her helper," Graham had suggested from behind him.

"Do you know how retarded that sounds?" Jonah laughs. "Yeah, I'm just gonna fake my death and help this stranger terrorize my sister," he sarcastically joked.

"I'm only here for her, don't give a crap about anyone else." Jonah revealed.

Amongst the crowd of people standing in front of the doorway, I spot River standing next to Reese. Our eyes meet before he looked away and down at the  floor. Renae puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

The things between River and I come rushing back.

I look up at Jonah.

I've got a pretty  f'ed up life.

"Why don't we all just put the guns down and talk so we can figure this out?" I suggest.

"No, we're leaving." Jonah begins to shimmy us backwards.

"Now, that's one thing I'm not gonna let happen." Raiden mocks as he steps forward.

Suddenly, loud mechanical noises come from within the house as it shakes throughout, I can feel the pressure build in my ears.

I hold my hands over my ears as I look up to see metal walls come down to cover the windows and doors from the outside, hiding away nature from those inside.

Everyone begins to yell in protest of the noise as they all cover their ears. The lights flicker as everyone looks up at the staircase, hearing a voice.

"Well, I guess none of that is gonna happen now," the person shrugs.

"KEITH?" Everyone questions in unison.

Sorry again for a short chapter, it's seems a lot longer to me when I'm writing it than reading it.

I wish I could've written more, but as I was writing I kept lagging terribly. I must've refreshed dozens of times.

I just really wanted to get this chapter up as I did promise.

Who else isn't pleased with the new wattpad update?

It was a shock to me, I'll always love the original.

It's honestly incredibly hard for me to write these chapters as I seriously have short-term memory loss XD.

It's hard for me to remember the details I love putting in these chapters, I have to keep rereading my own book to remember.

I love writing nonetheless though.

Almost as much as I love hearing from you guys in the comments!!

So please, do show your love.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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