Chapter 15 When they look you in the eye and lie

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Chapter 15: When they look you in the eye and lie

Emery's POV

This has to be a joke, right? He didn't just say my name right now. I can already see people craning their necks up to see if they can find out who Emery Denton is, including Delilah.

"What're you doing Em, go up there," she encouraged. There is no way in hell! I look up from her face nervously to see Raiden pulling out his chair with a knowing smirk. A smirk that says, he knows I'm here. He slowly puts one foot on the chair, getting ready to stand on it, to look for me.

I've got to get out of here.

"Cover for me, Mack." With that said I slip off the bar stool and shimmy my way around all the curious people. Almost there, I thought when the door was just a few feet away. That was before Duncan spotted me, grabbed my shoulders, and yelled, "I found her!"

Raiden eyes fell upon me and smiled. Not the genuine kind, more like the evil kind. While Duncan was pushing me towards hell, I looked over at Delilah, she had finally recognized me. Her eyes grew wide, her smile was no longer intact, and her face grew redder than her dress.

Raiden stepped down from the chair, walked towards Duncan and I, and grabbed my shoulder roughly. "I'll take it from here, thanks Duncan," Duncan saluted and took his seat at the table.

I was forced to sit in that chair right next to him. Once my behind hit the chair, everyone resumed their conversing while eating dinner. I sat there awkwardly, still not knowing why I was called up here by Raiden. From the corner of my eye, I saw Harley elbow Delilah for glaring at me, she then put on her fake smile at looked right at me. "So you must be the famous Emery Denton that I've heard so much about." She forced a giggle.

I nodded discreetly while she placed her hand out. She wanted, the redhead split ends girl, to shake hands with me? "Excuse my rudeness, I'm Delilah Davis," she concluded. By the way she's faking her politeness, I'd say she lived with very mature and wealthy parents. Wait....Davis.

I swear I've heard that last name before. It sounds very familiar to me, I know I've spent a while seeing that name. I just don't know where from. I shook my head forgetting about it, usually when I forget something I always remember a while later. I snap out of my trance when Raiden elbowed me in the ribs. I hold my side as I gaped towards him. What does he want now? I look to my right to see Delilah is still there waiting for me to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you Delilah," I faked a smile dismissing her hand as I grab a knife and fork to cut my steak. Unlike her I wasn't raised to fake my politeness. She gaped at me as she tucked her hand under the table. Everyone at the table, annoyed with the awkward silence, start to converse with one another once again.

I successfully place a piece of steak in my mouth while someone nudges me in the knee under the table. I look to my left to see Pierce sitting right next to me. "Weren't you just on the other side of the table?" I asked him knowing he was sitting next to Harley.

"I had to make some deals and exchange seats with some people to sit right here," he explained. "Even though you left me all alone," he accused. "I won't do the same to you," he finished off.


Raiden's POV

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