Chapter 20 Being scared can make you do crazy things

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It feels like it's been an eternity since I've last updated!

Chapter 20: Being scared can make you do crazy things

Emery's POV

"Where does Emery and River Denton think they're going?"

I would've ran. But the fact that the familiar man's voice said Emery and River Denton made me slightly curious. How could this man know we are related when I had just found out an hour and a half ago. Well I guess I'm about to find out.

Once I've released River's hold on me I turned around to match the man's face with his vaguely familiar voice. It was honestly really hard to tell who this man was with a beanie covering his entire forehead. It also didn't help that it was pitch black outside either. Finally when the man turned his head to look over at River, it seemed like his face was much more easier to identify.

I sighed in relief once I realized it's just Keith.

I don't get it though.

Did River already tell him about us? I looked over at River to see him acting very calm about the situation at hand. If there even is a situation. I looked over Keith, he seems dressed in black just like River and I. I swear if River told him about our escape plan he has a lot of explaining to do. Wait a second...

Do we even have an escape plan? River just said that we were going to get out of here. But what happens when we do? Where are we supposed to go in this small town without Raiden knowing about it?

I stare back at Keith with curiosity flooding my green orbs. I soon see him pick up a large bag that blended in with the dark ground.

"Where does Emery and River Denton think they're going....without me?" For a second there I thought I was gonna have to hit him over the head with my bag.

"River! Why would you tell Keith about any of this?" I accused. But before I can mentally curse him out, he interrupts.

"I didn't utter a single thing about this to anyone! And I'm certainly not stupid enough to spill to Keith," he spat. I looked over at Keith again. If I didn't tell Keith and neither did River, then who did? I was about to bring it up if Keith hadn't spoke. Once he did I swallowed my words in shock.

"I knew you guys were escaping before you even knew," he confusingly confessed. What does that sentence even mean? At the moment I've come to a conclusion that Keith is officially crazy! I knew he was a bit weird once I came here and met him but I didn't know he was mentally insane. The way he said those words made him sound like a complete lunatic. It sent shivers down my back. The only reasonable explanation that I could come up with was that he overheard River and I's conversation.

"I think it's time you knew the truth about me Emery. Since you're so oblivious," I'm oblivious! Did he really just insult me? Sorry for not catching on, you Grade-A stalker. Okay okay, I may have been a bit harsh to him but seriously, calling me oblivious. I'm sorry if I can't pay attention to everyone's secret agendas while I'm trying to survive under Raiden's watch.

"I'm pretty sure everyone has guessed it except you. So I'll just come out with it. I'm psychic," he says bluntly. The words are very unfamiliar to my ears. I try to rake through my brain to figure out what the word means. So it takes a couple seconds to finally figure out what the word meant. So I know psychic means...seeing into the future! If he claims to have psychic abilities that means he can....No! I don't believe in stuff like that. I don't believe in phenomenons. It's just impossible to me, physics don't exist. Never has, never will.

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