Chapter 17 Has my kidnapping skills failed?

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Chapter 17: Has my kidnapping skills failed?

Raiden's POV

I look at the bottom right hand corner on my laptop to see it's April 1st. It's been an exact week since I put Emery down the statue. After my last encounter with her I really thought
about the words she had said.

Just once, I ask of you to think it's somebody else who planted the bullets on me.

So I did. That same night, I went to see Kade in the security room to see if he can pull up the security cameras I keep in each cell. When Kade pulled up the camera in Emery's room, there was a 10 minute time gap missing from the tape, Kade told me someone must've hacked in and deleted the tape.

I can't take Emery out from under the statue unless I have proof that she's innocent. My gang will think I've gone soft on her, the four injured men now think Emery stole the bullets and hate her for it.

Kade had told me he saves the backup tapes and ships them to a safe place in New York. So, the next day he took a plane to New York to go get the backup tape, he should be back in an hour with the tape to prove if Emery's telling the truth.

If RW had really framed Emery, they wouldn't have thought so far ahead as to go get the backup tapes in New York, right?

I had sent Harley down there a couple times to give Emery food. When Harley came back up I asked her about Emery. She had said to me Emery couldn't sit up because of her injured back, since then Casey has been going down there daily to help Emery in physical therapy.

The only thing that freaking pissed me off this week was when River kept asking to go down there. He claimed he had something really important to say to Emery. I've sent him on more missions by himself so he can get away from here and stop asking questions. I'm still suspicious of him.

Keith will no longer be a threat anymore if this tape proves Emery's beliefs. I tap my fingers patiently as I wait for Kade's arrival, I sent a car to the airport to wait for him until he lands.

For some unknown reason, this house has been very quiet and tense lately, at least for me. It's like I have all the air in the world but can't seem to take in the air and take a breath. I wait anxiously for the tape, I don't know what to expect anymore, but honestly I don't know what I would want to see on that tape.

Do I want to see RW planting the tapes in Emery's wardrobe to prove Emery's innocence and know that I was wrong?

Or do I just want to see Emery putting them in her wardrobe and know that I was right not to believe her?

The truth is I want to believe her, I want to trust her. But with this RW roaming around, I don't know if I can trust anyone at all. I don't know how long Emery can stay here, in Blackdale.
She's caused more problems in my gang than Duncan and his damn pranks. My gang is falling apart slowly as they start to disrespect me more and more because of Emmy.

My door is suddenly slammed opened, thinking it's Kade, I look up hopefully that he has the tape. But it wasn't Kade.

It was Pierce.

I slump back down in my seat rubbing my face, hoping he won't start his ramble on getting Emery out. "God dammit Pierce, if your gonna start-," I got interrupted by his voice overlapping mine. "I'm here to give you an update on Emery," he concluded, with a smirk plastered across his face.

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